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Thank you - The Goods Yard


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Yesterday I had the very good fortune to meet and deal with Phil and Richard from the Goods Yard in Tuxford, Notts.


They had said they could carry out a somewhat daunting repair for me on a Hornby Schools class loco that had a broken guide pin on the front bogie. Being a super detailed loco I had first contacted Hornby direct to see if they could help but alas no. The part that had been damaged had no spares available anywhere. After contacting a number of other well known spares dealers this was indeed confirmed. 


So I contacted these chaps at The Goods Yard who immediately replied that they would carry out a repair for me. Not trusting the postal or other delivery service to deliver such a fine, detailed yet inherently and I may say, despicably fragile loco  in one piece either there or back (however well packed it may be) I hauled myself up to Notts from deepest Kent. 


Upon arrival some 5 hours later, without any hesitation the guys immediately went to work doing an on the spot repair. I was fully prepared to leave the loco there and come up again another time to collect. Oh no. The job was completed in next to no time and the loco tested, admired, commented on and then tested a bit more just for fun of seeing it go around the track a few times (:  AND.... I was able to bring it home.


First class service from two first class gents in a cracking but fascinating shop. Thank you guys. You can be sure of my services again should I so need it. This is a company that knows how to deliver customer satisfaction.






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