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Walking to work every day along a country road I’ve been studying hedgerows as that’s the bit of my rural layout I’m working on.  There’s a wide range of colours and huge disparity in widths and heights, none of which are adequately served for my taste by existing proprietary hedging products.

You need: green washing up scouring pads (Spontex etc) green and yellow poster paint, PVA and flock powder (a spring mix with yellow & green works well)


1.Cut pad into strips of desired width – 10-15mm is about right. Keep one edge straight, the other gently waved like the top of the real thing.

2.Scour the two sides and top with a craft knife to tease out the fibres – the more vigorous the better.

3.Partially mix together some yellow & green poster paint leaving patches and swirls of each colour and dry brush, again vigorously, onto the strips. More yellow towards the top where new growth is.  Be liberal as the colours fade on drying.

4. Dry brush some PVA onto top and upper sides then dust in a container of flock powder.

With the dark green of the Spontex still visible underneath the lighter foliage

the lighter teased-out fibres it enhances the 3D effect. Hugely enjoyable and therapeutic, the effect, though I say it myself, is remarkably realistic – far more so than any product and so cheap to do.


Probably teaching my grandma to suck eggs but I’ve enjoyed myself tremendously and it may help somebody as this site often does me.

Have fun,




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