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Blog- The GC and Met in OO - LNER D6 Part II

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Work progresses slowly- however it does look more like a loco now...<br /><br /><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s53/masgtai/Locomotives%202/DSCF2278_zps3b861c12.jpg' alt='Posted Image' /></span><br /><br /><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s53/masgtai/Locomotives%202/DSCF2279_zps66a5c17a.jpg' alt='Posted Image' /></span><br /><br />There's nothing here that I've not done and described before when it comes to the bodywork- various thicknesses and profiles of plastic sheet and strip have been used to alter the body from the donor model. <br /><br />I'm working on how I can secure the body to the chssis more securely at the moment- and also pondering what exactly might be done to get the driving wheels to turn with less resistance. Proper bearings may be required.


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