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Blog- bgman's Blog - Guten Tag.......let's try something different !

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So...... It's been a while, as they say and having decided to try something different I thought I'd try going continental ( got my new passport today ......Wahoo!)


I haven't built a kit for sometime and this caught my imagination for a total departure from the British scene.


Whilst I appreciate it may not be a true representation of a Stellwerk ( german signal cabin ) for the Bavarian region it suits my eyes and hopefully will be planted at some future date in a new layout.


It was built over the past two evenings and I have found the Kibri approach to be interesting to say the least.


I hope you enjoy !






Happy modelling everyone

Happy modelling :)


Here's a couple more pics to wet your and my appetite






Auf Wiedersehen pet !




Edited to include 2 photographs by bgman

Attached thumbnail(s)
  • blogentry-20303-0-23213400-1406852108_th
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  • blogentry-20303-0-87539200-1406853907_th
  • blogentry-20303-0-00325500-1406853945_th


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