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Where can you buy vi train spares?

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Can anyone help im after getting my self some spares for a vi trains 47. Bought a vi trains 47 and it turned up damaged, needless to say im getting nowhere with the seller so after spending intital money now have to pay for the damaged part.

if anyone can point me in the correct direction than would be great.



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Try The Hobby Company Limited - http://www.hobbyco.net as they are (were? not sure) the UK distributors for ViTrains models. Alternatively you could try contacting ViTrains directly like this guy did - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/88267-vitrains-class-47-detail-pack-spare/. Also, depending what it is you need, folk on here might be able to help out as these models usually come with a wide range of detailing parts that often results in numerous spare parts even if you detail both ends! Might also be worth asking in the ViTrains area of the forum?


What exactly was it that you need?

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Hi again.


I've had a look round and have a couple of spare boxes, (I'm assuming your loco arrived unboxed?) At least then, there'll be less chance of damage in the future.


Could you perhaps post a picture of the chassis frame? I'm just a little confused as to the mention of the brake rigging? A picture of the part you need replacing would help to actually identify it.



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My Vi-Trains 47 had the same issue with the brake rigging, luckily mine had just become unclipped from the bogie so was just a case of pushing back in. Not so much a problem with the packaging as the way the brake rigging is fitted.


I may have a spare buffer beam in the box, but won't be able to check until a bit later so will let you know.



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I have a set of 4 small buffers, but only 1 large buffer which is silver head with black base.


The buffer heads can be separated from the base, and I'm pretty sure that a Heljan buffer head will fit into the Vi-Trains base if you wish to use the large buffer heads.


If any of these parts are of use, PM me your address and which parts you want and I'll get them in the post over the weekend for you.



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