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Musselburgh Old Station


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Hi millerhillboy, ho hum, what do I say? There's no progress at the moment, I'm afraid. This doesn't mean that I've abandoned the idea, but I have decided to put it on hold for the time being. I got as far as drawing up a Templot plan but it became apparent that to do justice to the original, there was no way I was even going to get near the track plan using the component range that is currently available from FiNetrax, or likely to be in the near future. Given that the main purpose of this little project is to learn how to work with finer track, that rather defeated the object.


So I've reverted to the earlier inspiration, namely Lossiemouth. This now exists in the form of a workable track printout, though I have made some changes by reducing the number of sidings and adding a second platform, which makes parts look a bit like Mallaig too! So the idea of a strict prototype model has gone for a burton once again... ;-)


I am in the process of constructing turnout numbers two and three of the eight needed and the amount of plain track is also growing. Rolling stock is starting to appear and I'm also practising making DG couplings. Baseboards will follow fairly soon, though I need to do a bit of work readying my present layout Stanley for a visit from Railway Modeller's photographer.


However all is not wasted! All the information that folk so kindly supplied has been carefully saved and I will return to this in the future. In the meantime, maybe the turnout issue will be resolved - though I guess scratch building will probably always be necessary. I am tempted to adapt that rather nice station building for the forthcoming model - unless my inexpert eye deceives me, it is not so regionally-specific that it could not have appeared on an ex GNoSR line..(.?)


There's more on progress on http://trainsandtrad.wordpress.com if you're interested, which reminds me I must update it.


Many thanks for your interest!



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Yeah, I'd be very interested in any info anyone could dig up.


I can certainly remember the wire mill, as I went past it every day on the way to school. I can also remember the (fishing net) mill as well and I can remember the paper mill building.


The Roman bridge could also be an interesting modelling feature.

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One of the members of our club is planning a layout of Musselburgh.........


That will be me then...........


The Musselburgh Branch by David Evans featured in the December 1983, March 1984 and August 1984 issues of the Practical Model Railways.

I managed to acquire photocopies of all three articles and subsequently originals of the first two magazines.


Research has included acquiring as many photographs as possible of the station and surrounding area, many of the sources having been mentioned already on this thread.

I was put in touch with a gentleman who surveyed the site after closure and removal of the overall roof and track but before demolition of the buildings.

I regret that I cannot post images of these as I have been asked to respect the copyright of the photographer.

These were originally taken for the building of a Musselburgh based layout, Tweedsmuir by the Edinburgh and Lothians MRC in the early 70s and featured as the plan of the month in the Railway Modeller, March 1973.

I am fortunate in that the builder of the station building has passed it on to me as my long term (and I stress long term!) intention is to build a P4 layout of the prototype Musselburgh station and its approach.

As I moved house last year this is looking more promising though you should have seen the house sellers face when I asked to see the attic when originally viewing the property :O

Just have to convince the wife that the decorating can be stretched out. :paint:


As you can see from my post count, I will apologise now for not being a prolific contributor to this forum but I will try to remedy this for the future.

(Too much time spent on the computer creating CAD drawings for etching and not enough modelling, not to mention my full time job on the 12" to the 1' railway)!!


If this works, a link to the NBRSG forum with further links to some colour film of the 1941 accident that sadly claimed the life of the female bookstall attendant at Musselburgh.

(I believe this may have featured in an earlier RMweb thread.)


Sorry cannot get a link added for now but website is www.nbrstudygroup.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=162

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Good to have you on board, and I'll be looking forward to anything you can contribute.


As indicated above I was born in musselburgh in 1973 and lived there until a few years ago. Only trouble is the railway was long gone by the time I was kicking about.

I do have strong recollections of the infrastructure though and particularly the defunct track bed right from the station throat with the old bridge across the Esk all the way past campie bridge which was right beside my primary school and then the route sweeping round touching newhailes road and then on up to the ECML.

The old trackbed was a play area for me and friends for many years particularly around newhailes road


my mother commuted from the station for many years and my dad is a musselburgh man all his life and was also trainspotter so he might be a decent source of info if you had an queries.

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Brilliant - thanks for those. I'd forgotten Scran, though they seem to have withdrawn their limited free access for teachers...

Hi Ian


You may still be able to get access to Scran through your local library service as some local authorities have provided a portal.  Check your library's website for a link.



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A couple of images which I think I can get away with posting.


One is an aerial image showing the station and the tracks heading to the Inveresk Paper Mills.


The other was on eBay some while back and is the oldest image I have come across. Sorry it is not the greatest resolution.

Would not have envied the photographer lugging his equipment up the chimney to obtain the view........

Note the presence of the engine shed and the multi arched frontage of the overall roof in stone, later to be replaced with a timber front.


Some images of a copy of a LNER plan showing station arrangements at Musselburgh.

Original is undated but I believe is from 1938-1948.(engine shed has been removed and sidings extended)

Not sure how well this will display but first image is of the whole document followed by 2 close up shots.


Thanks millerhillboy for the contact offer.

I am trying to find out the freight traffic patterns and vehicles used.

My original intention was to model LNER mid 1930s which moved onto BR 1955-60 and has now gone back in time to NBR c1918!

A colleague at my work, his father worked for National Carriers out of Musselburgh and I am trying to arrange a chance to talk with him at some point.









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Thanks for that information all - that first picture in particular is a good 'un!  No much time in the next few days but will come back on this thread in the near future, but I'll be watching developments with interest.



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