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Avonmouth Dock Sidings ? Position of MR Weighbridge Scales


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Hello Everyone


Further to my previous question regarding length of sidings, particularly to Avonmouth Dock Sidings <link> to which I’m very grateful for the information given, I have another question regarding Weighbridges.





I’m presuming that the “WR Weighbridge” scales/platform are on the Main line side of the Weighbridge.

Knowing that sidings where separated much greater than “10 feet” from the “Main Line”, more like 15-20 feet, would it be normal that the “MR Weighbridge” have it’s scales/platform as close to the Main line ?


Assumptions (excuse bad terminology)

·         The PBA would shunt wagons from the sidings at point A, with the facing point set to the right, and then onto the scales closest to the main line.

·         MR goods come off the mainline just before point A (or at Avonmouth Dock Jcn, nee Crown Brickyard Crossing), with the facing point set to the left, and then onto the MR Sidings.


Thank you

Regards, Chris

<edit: correction of grammar>

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