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What size is tar paper for roofing?


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Evening all,

I've been scratchbuilding a model of Family and Sons in Miami, Florida and from google maps it looks a lot like it has large sheets of tar paper on the roof.Can anyone tell me the dimensions that tar paper usually is that goes on roofs? For reference, hers the building on google:




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I concur about using Imperial measurements - the US has yet to discover the simplicity of the metric system, and how much easier it is for computers to cope with it. But it sure makes exporting material to Canada fun.

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There's a scale in the bottom right hand corner of 10m. From this, it would appear that the roof has been tarred, doing sections at a time, with each section being of the order of 10 metres or so - possibly 12 yards, though the sections don't seem equal. (Dimensions confirmed by the cars on the road alongside.)

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