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Coast Daylight, Fall, 1954


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I picked up the final two cars yesterday for my pleasingly accurate off-peak-season Fall-of-1954 Coast Daylight (and yes, I'm aware that the second-to-last car should be running the other way, and that the aluminium stripes below the front coupler were gone by 1954).


The train will hopefully have an outing through RS Tower in early December.


Thanks for looking.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, Focalplane. The cars are all BLI. There are good and not-so-good points in both MTH and BLI Daylight cars, so it's a six-or-half-a-dozen factor.  Using Ryan & Shine's "SP Passenger trains Vol. 2 - Day Trains of the Coast Line", the consist is completely accurate for the early October of 1954 (apart from that pesky second-last coach being round the wrong way - for some reason, it derailed on the sharp hidden curves of the layout only in one direction.  Either that, or the hostler at San Francisco screwed up). 



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