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Try to get some drawings or 3D model of Indian Railways

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Hi, everyone. Occasionally I came here coz I found the link in a google search: 


Here I found a excellent work of Indian WDP4 lok done by someone 2 years ago.

Recently I want to make some Indian railway models. I come from China. But seems it is hard to find any accurate files like drawings or 3d models of Indian rolling stocks and loks.

Just wonder can would you mind to give me some advice (not just Google it) to find them or tell me where I can get them, the link, or probably if you'd like to do, scan some drawings with dimensions and measurements.


I plan to use laser cutter and order some spare bogies, re-build some part, and use thin brass boards to forge passenger cars and locomotives, (or some other kind of materials, if applicable), add chips and make it compatible with DCC, and probably I need to set up two different bogies, standard one for running, compatible with HO track while I can keep the body in 1/87 US / China standard railway model scale and Indian style bogies.

It is very easy to find wheels and buy motors and gearboxes for my project, but what I need is drawings. If I search Chinese locomotives, I can find a lot of drawings with dimensions and evan I can go to museum but for Indian locomotives I can do nothing. I even never see any Indian Rail models.


Just need the file where I can find the accurate drawings on it.



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I'm afraid that it's not a topic I know much about, but a search of the forums gave these links which might be of interest:




Also, these threads are for 3D printing Indian prototypes, so perhaps you could contact the authors:





Welcome and good luck - don't forget to post some pictures when you have something to share.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ni Hao "aeonbear" and welcome,


I pretty sure I know who that member is.

I will send him a PM (Personal Message) to ask him to read this thread.



Good Luck!


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Hello aeonbear, Rabs, backofanenvelope and Kev.

I pretty much have the answer for these kind of issues, its not that scale drawings are not available but it's just that India and her people are a bit of the secretive bunch. They are always afraid of terror or vandalism. Infact taking photographs of trains is actually punishable by law. The Railway Police will jail you if caught. But being a crowded place people take the risk.

This kind of nature applies to scale drawings also. Scale drawings are never handed out to anyone or posted on the website. Though Google does have it (it requires time). It will be worth a shot if you try and contact RDSO, DLW, CLW and BEML for scale drawings. 

Here is a link of some really scary scale drawings http://trainweb.org/...Electric_Locos/

I hope I was of some help.


PS: In my post I mean no harm or have any intention to be racist or rude towards them, I am after all an ANGLO-INDIAN. I have lived here a good many years and that just their nature. They are always scared of terror or someone stealing their stuff.

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Hi and Welcome, there maybe online forums in India that could help? Unfortunately its not a widely covered topic as Rabs has said. Good luck anyway.

Indian forums are of no use. I've tried asking many a time mate! Either they don't like to share or they just hate the fact that I am of British descent and they think the British ruined India.


I have posted a link to a set of scale drawings as aeonbear wasn't specific about any particular type.

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You'll be surprised just how accurate you can get something working purely from photos - something like this is particularly useful:



All you need is a few key dimensions, then you can relate the size of other parts to those known dimensions. You may be able to get bogie dimensions from a US site, they look like fairly standard Alco 3 axle types.



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All you offered are Amazing works/sources.

Thanks everyone!!! I will read all, and choose one engine, maybe WDM-4, then try to print it. 

I can buy some part easily in China but I'm afraid I cannot make anything without your help on providing drawings. 

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I'm sorry but I have no scale drawings, but fortunately did not know it wasn't legal to photograph trains when I lived there, I visited a couple of works and I took loads of snaps!! I didn't get to the Delhi museum, but my wife did & I got the tie!


I even got to visit the loco works at Varanasi.


You might try "Joshi's railway museum" in Pune - I rather think he might be able to help with some drawings of other info.


I will try to find my photos and post the better ones.


I would love to find a 7mm RTR model of an Alco WDM3A or something closely similar and being American, reasonably priced, and modify/repaint into one of the locos I saw in Pune, it would look a bit out of place on a 1930s GWR railway, but, hey, WTH!


Useful links here

Loco types http://www.irfca.org/faq/faq-loco2d.html

Joshi railway http://www.minirailways.com

DLW http://www.dlw.indianrailways.gov.in




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I'm sorry but I have no scale drawings, but fortunately did not know it wasn't legal to photograph trains when I lived there, I visited a couple of works and I took loads of snaps!! I didn't get to the Delhi museum, but my wife did & I got the tie!


You might try "Joshi's railway museum" in Pune - I rather think he might be able to help with some drawings of other info.


I will try to find my photos and post the better ones.


I would love to find a 7mm RTR model of an Alco WDM3A or something closely similar and being American, reasonably priced, and modify/repaint into one of the locos I saw in Pune, it would look a bit out of place on a 1930s GWR railway, but, hey, WTH!


Useful links here

Joshi railway http://www.minirailways.com

DLW http://www.dlw.indianrailways.gov.in




Well these days since the rise in terrorism it is deemed as illegal and if caught you do get a heavy fine or sentence. Joshi's Museum and DLW never reply to emails (from personal experience) Joshi doesn't really deal with model trains now his workshop makes electrical equipment and he has turned his museum into a cafe. He just has very few models on display now. And the upper level layout.


DLW, CLW, RDSO, BEML, ICF, RCF etc that make IR's locos and rollingstock will never reply to emails unless you are requesting a visit which you happened to see in DLW. Joshi also has never replied to any emails so far but when I meet him personally he seems to be a nice gentlemen, However when I asked about custom wheels being made (something that he always did before) he immediately declined. Joshi has also made a few static models but needless to say they were horrible representations of the real thing.

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thanks for the note.  I certainly wasn't furtive about photography - Canon DSLR and big lens!


I visited DLW as a potential supplier, I ran an Engineering Services office in Pune, and having some railway background and a personal contact (one of my staff's cousin or uncle was a manager at DLW) I got an introduction.  I got a very detailed tour of the plant, but unfortunately we could not agree commercial terms and we never did any work for them.


Given that several of the IR classes are purchased directly, or built under licence from the US suppliers, I hoped to find a relatively cheap RTR in 0 gauge - I'm sure there would be something in H0 - and repaint, but have not been successful. 


I'll have a look for some photos, and post them here over the weekend.


kind regards


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  • 1 year later...

I know Mr.Rievlino Paswett in India who has recently created a huge stock of model Indian Railway replica models. I believe he has a bunch of locomotive and coach drawings in various formats. His work can be viewed.


One can contact him -his email-rievlino@yahoo.com


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I know Mr.Rievlino Paswett in India who has recently created a huge stock of model Indian Railway replica models. I believe he has a bunch of locomotive and coach drawings in various formats. His work can be viewed.


One can contact him -his email-rievlino@yahoo.com

I would sincerely advise not to contact him. He's cheated many friends and also charges too much. Furthermore not a single model of his is accurate... If you want friendly service from someone and scale drawings for a small fee then please contact either of these two:-





They have scale drawings of many locos and so if you can just ask them what they have and then they will edit the scale drawing to the measurements you require in any particular scale.

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