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New Resin Car Manufacturer

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Got a preproduction sample of a new resin acid tank car (Type 27, 7K or 8K gallon) from a company called Resin Car Works (which is owned by former Sunshine Models pattern maker Frank Hodina). Parts look pretty good. The kits will be available in a couple of weeks once the production etched parts arrive.
These are resin kits, so you'll have to paint/decal yourself but they are a different car than the Tangent model and offer some variation in the fleet.
You can see photos of the preproduction car and a flyer showing the various lettering schemes on my steam era freight car blog:



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By way of an update -


Frank has gotten the Resin Car Works web site up and working - and is currently taking orders and shipping the first kit. The blog also has some hints on upcoming kits, including an Illinois Central twin hopper.




(By way of full disclosure, the owner of RCW is a long time friend of mine. However, I have nothing to do with the business or its operations).



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