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Timetables/Train Movements

Chris Dark

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Hi all, I am hoping somebody can point me into the right direction when it comes to timetables/train movements.


I was reading an incident report from Clutton station which was dated 1911. Together with the loco involved in the incident. The report also mentioned a Radstock to Bristol train which was in the sidings waiting to continue it's journey.


Is there any websites people know of which detailed these kind of movements rather than simply the passenger timetable.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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Hi Chris,




Through Countryside & Coalfield by Mike Vincent will inform you about the area around Clutton...an excellent read.



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Thanks for that Dave, do you know whether that book tells you exact workings on the line or just an overview of the type of goods the line carried. I am a local so am fairly up on the local goods but interested in the particular movements of the trains. droping off X, Y and Z at station A for example.



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It sounds like you want the working timetable. This shows all the regularly-timetabled trains on a route. You can usually find quite a few - mostly BR from the 70s and 80s - on A Well-Known Auction Site. For more exotic stuff try line societies (I've got an extract from a Great Central WTT that I got from the GCRS), the NRM library or the National Archive at Kew.


There were always special workings not included in the WTT: companies issued special notices detailing how they were to be worked. Also BR, at least, issued separate timetables for passenger and freight trains and trip workings were shown in a book of their own. For most purposes, though, I'd start with the WTT.

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