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Mystery "1950's Brass 4-4-0" on eBay


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Just spotted this on eBay.
Doesn't appear to be one of the usual suspects.
Same seller also has a couple of Farish kits, a King, and a Prairie, and another mystery item, a brass body only GWR tank.


Cheers, Nasher53


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Welcome to RMweb!


The tender appears to be from a Formo (Farish 3 rail) 0-6-0 and the boiler could possibly have come from the same locomotive, though it may be sheet metal (Jamieson?). The screwed on wheels are also a Farish feature, though the 0-6-0 has B.F.B. wheels (left overs from the Farish 'Merchant Navy'). The front bogie appears to hail from Margate (Tri-ang Princess).


The brass GWR tank (a 56xx I think) could also be a Jamieson* or maybe scratch built.


* There was a large range of Jamieson kits, but I don't  know exactly which locos were included. They were usually nickel-silver however.


The Dublo box is a bit beat up (despite its description as "good"), but is probably 'worth' more than its contents (IMHO).


(Other comments on this seller's wares are to be found on the 'EBay Madness' thread.)

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David, thanks for the welcome and the info!
I thought the fat wheeled front bogie looked [horribly] familiar!

Having lurked around the vintage threads here for some time, yesterday I thought I'd check out eBay and see what might turn up, thinklng it would take some serious studying to turn anything up, but happened across this bunch straight off, which surprised me.
I'm living in Brasil at present, and broke, so unable to buy, but maybe later...I miss my SRs with ancient scratch built bodies, and all the rest of my treasures, all long gone, mostly stolen!

Best regards, Paul.

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