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Locomotives International

Brian Harrap

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Locomotives International are running an interesting series on 'old style' three phase electification around the world. Issue 92 looked at the Americas, 93 looks at Europe with more to follow they say. If your interests might lie in this direction - worth a getting the mags I would say, they're a good read for all the other somewhat eccentric stuff as well. Fancied trying a bit of that triple wire overhead myself sometime - make a nice change from triple gauge trackwork.



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Nice to see Locomotives International getting a mention here.


Yes, these look a to be well-researched and a very interesting series of articles.  LI itself is probably still settling down after the departure of Paul Catchpole, its relaunch under "Two Metres" and the incorporation of Continental Railway Journal.  Roger Hennessey has also written various informative pieces on aspects of electric traction development that have appeared in the Stephenson Railway Society's Journal.

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