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While i am a huge fan of North American railroading, and my now stored N-scale collection is mostly US vehicles, i will post something else in this thread. My Swedish H0-scale trains, some of the trains i actually run nowadays. I do not have a layout though, so my shots will mostly have a black backdrop. (When i say that i run them, i mean at shows.)


Anyway, let's get this show on the road. First out are my two Swedish State Railways(SJ) passenger cars, one conference car (top) and one combined first and second class coach, in 1980's colours. The conference car is of 1980's design and the coach is of 1960's design.


I do not yet have a matching locomotive to pull them.


Next up however is a newcomer to the Swedish market after the railroads were corporatised. They didn't last long though, from 2000 to 2003.



In these photos the locomotive, type Rc6, and the last two coaches are rented from SJ and painted in their 1990's design, but with the SJ logos replaced. The dome coach and the two sleeping cars were cars bought outright from Germany and Switzerland, five cars each.


Those are the only somewhat interesting vehicles i have so far, but i can post a photo of my 11 car strong H0-scale Stockholm subway fleet if anyone is interested. They are however Works In Progress, so they still look like the toys they started out as.


I also have five freight cars, but nothing exciting. Just four open flatcars and one van. If someone wants to see a photo though, i will gladly post a photo.

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Hi Nick,


That's correct. Over the years i've bought a fleet of 11 cars. Four are used as guinea pigs, six are going to be made into a working train, and one will be rebuilt into a shunter. I'll take a photo right away.  :)


EDIT: Here they are, all 11 cars.



The bottom four are the guinea pigs. Three of the middle ones and the three on top will be upgraded to running cars, and one will be converted into this:




That is the worlds longest shunter.

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Thanks! Yeah, i'm tempted to buy an X2000 aswell, but not one of the standard ones. A unique, custom decaled set for Sydvästen Tåg, another one of those shortlived companies. They operated from 2000 to 2001 i think.


(Not my picture)


Why this one? Well, i like having a few unique vehicles.  :imsohappy:

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I never saw their Wagon Lits carriages, but Tågkompaniet AB had five of those rather impressive panoramic observation cars:


201 - Wolverine

202 - Fox

203 - Elk

204 - Lynx

205 - Bear (later advertising for Fjällräven)


They started life as part of the famous Rheingold sets of 1962.  After pasing through various hands, TKAB purchased them from SBB in 1999 (but too late to be included in "Svenska Person- Och Motorvagnar 1999" handbook). 


Here are a couple of photos from September 2001, with the "Lynx" observation car (204) in trains headed by Rc6 2 (Narvik) and Rc6 11 (Lulea).





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Nice shots! I see you caught loco number 2, the very same one i have as a model.


I personally never saw any of their overnight trains with my own eyes, but there's just something special about them. Not just because of the unusual foreign cars,  But i have seen three of the Wagon Lits cars in Furuvik where they are now part of a hotel. During Tågkompaniets time they were mostly used on charter trains, according to most sources, but i have seen more pics of them in regular trains than anything else.


As for the observation cars, or Panorama cars as their really known here, three have been released in model form, Märklin have released the Elk, the Fox and the Bear. The car i have is the Roco version of the Elk. The colours are incorrect, and that bothers me a lot, but i still love it. The only one of my cars that isn't a Roco car is the last one which is a custom decaled Norsk Modeljernbane AS/NMJ car.

Sadly there are only seven mass produced TKAB cars around, three Märklin and four Roco. Two locos aswell, one each between Märklin and Roco.

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It has come to my attention that the bogies on the TKAB 1st class coach, the middle one, are incorrect for this particular car. But fear not, correct replacement bogies have been ordered. Free of charge, would you believe it? The roof is also incorrect, but i am in the process of fixing a deal to order a custom built sleeper for the train which will use that roof. And in return i will also get a correct roof for use on my 1st class coach. When fixed i will post a picture of the updated coach, and when it arrives i'll post a pic of the sleeper.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has come to my attention that the bogies on the TKAB 1st class coach, the middle one, are incorrect for this particular car. But fear not, correct replacement bogies have been ordered. Free of charge, would you believe it? The roof is also incorrect, but i am in the process of fixing a deal to order a custom built sleeper for the train which will use that roof. And in return i will also get a correct roof for use on my 1st class coach. When fixed i will post a picture of the updated coach, and when it arrives i'll post a pic of the sleeper.


A little update on this matter: the correct roof has arrived and has been installed on the car, and i have been told i could expect the bogies this week. Don't think that's going to happen, but anyway... I've got my locomotive programmed and the carbody is now sitting perfectly. At first it was tilting towards one end due to the DCC decoder.
Also, i am considering buying an extra coach for my TKAB set, a second hand Norwegian State Railways/NSB coach, to use in a (sort of) short distance/regional train that they operated. The so-called Karven. The cool thing about these coaches (they bough five, three second hand cars and two first class, one of the 2nd class was used for spares) is that they were operated for a while in two different kinds of hybrid liveries. One was the basic red and black NSB paintscheme, with intact NSB logo, but new number and registered owner. The other was with the correct TKAB logos, but still with their previous NSB scheme. I was thinking of buying a single coach and run it with the intact NSB logos, but i'm not sure if i'll go through with it or not.
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Well guys, here it is! My new "second-hand" coach for my TKAB train.



It's not the correct number, but atleast it's the correct type of car and the correct paintscheme to fit in with the Karven train during a short period in 2001. I will be using it in both my shorter Karven train and my basic all-in TKAB night train set.


As you can see, the car is like none of the others in the train. At first, the car was used by TKAB with hardly any changes, only a new registered owner and a new car number. After a short while the NSB logo, to the right of the picture, was removed and the car was given TKAB's own logos. Then in 2002 they were repainted in a brighter red than this, black roof, and a large white TKAB logo on the side. All four of the cars that were used in traffic were retired in 2007. After that i don't know what happened to them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last weekend i ran my Tågkompaniet cars for the first time on a layout. Sadly my own locomotive couldn't pull them as it was a 3-rail/AC layout and my locomotive is built for 2-rail/DCC. I did however borrow a loco and three cars from a very good friend of mine, and that, my friends, was the days longest train for the first 4h of a 6h day. Nine cars, just shy of the 3m limit.


The debut was not without its problems though as the B1 car had a tendency to drop the cars behind it, and the WL33 sleepers would derail when their brake shoes hit the joints and switches. The latter issue didn't develop until after a bit of running, but that could easily be fixed as the brake shoes are a seperate part from the bogie frame. The coupler problem also didn't show up until later, and didn't show up every lap of the layout either, but that couldn't be fixed on site.


I tried to film the train as it passed (it was too long to fit in a single photo) but the videos are not very good. All of them are blurry. But if anyone is interested in seeing the chaos creating train, do let me know and i'll post one of the vids on Youtube.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Finally! After three months of waiting for one of two bogies i can finally show my corrected TKAB A7 1st class car.


Roof vents on only one end of the roof aswell as correct MD bogies.


And here, my friends, are my two new brown cars. I love this look actually.


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Wowowow!! That is a steal! Though, to be honest, it's a bit more than i really need. All i need really is a new shell for my Rc6. The club i'm in only allows one train on the layout per member at a time, so...

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  • 3 weeks later...
My fleet of brown cars has expanded once again with the addition of three new cars to my passenger fleet, including one mail boxcar.




I may change the roof on the middle car as it's both too light in colour, and it's got the incorrect number of vents. Everything else, as far as i can see, is just right.

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My TKAB fleet has today been expanded by one car, a new sleeping car this time. The very same type of car i travelled in to Luleå in 2013. A WL6.






It's a custom rebuilt car and as such is not available ready to run. IIRC i placed my order in December or January.

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I've got Swedish trains from four eras, i've got two sets of Isle of Wight Island Line cars, two Italian freight cars and a London Underground 1959 stock Heritage car. Yeah, i'm focused.

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