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Cowans Sheldon Crane - ADM382

Scottish Modeller

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Hi all,


Looking for more info and photos for this one...


This Cowans Sheldon 10t crane was at Inverness in the 70's and early 80's but appears to have been disposed of by 1986?


I need to confirm that bit first in case it went before the period I am doing the model for.


There are a couple of photos on the Scot-rail website:-






Anyone with more details?



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Thought I would have a flick through my library of Rail Enthusiast magazines for 1987 and 1988.


Pertaining to the Scottish Region: "The only survivor is ADM382 now to be found in the C&W yard at Perth, following many years in the Inverness area." - Page 52, Rail Enthusiast No. 74 November 1987.


This was from Roger Butchers Departmental Developments column, so the crane presumably existed until the latter half of 1987 at least. As and when I look at 1989, I'll see if there is any further mention of it - I'm assuming that it wasn't preserved, as this column tended only to list vehicles sold for scrap and specifically stated that vehicles which found further use by being sold on for preservation usually weren't covered.


Hope this helps.

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Pages 42 - 43, RAIL No. 97 June 1 - 14 1989 Departmental Developments by Roger Butcher.

Text within the column reports that "This (Scottish) region became the first to completely dispense with manual cranes when ADM 382 was scrapped in August 1987."

The table of disposals has the following entry:

ADM382 - Cowans Sheldon 7598 of 1944 - sold from Perth to Texas Metals, Hyde in August 1987.

Not knowing the location, it seems that Hyde is in Cheshire (east side of Manchester), so the crane presumably travelled a fair distance to meet its fate. (The column normally mentions if a vehicle is scrapped on site, but does not in this instance). A scrap yard still exists at Hyde, but is part of the EMR empire.


Hope this helps.

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