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Fitting eccentric cranks and where to buy

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Hi all I have not posted here in ages nearly a year so happy new year while I'm at it.


I have for a long time wanted to get my A4 finished with some ultrascales which I have started work on. I have read much about this and fee confident I can do the work as I am a. Expirienced model maker but I can't find where to buy motion sets or eccentric cranks, nor can I find many threads or photos of how its done.

Reading is one thing but I want to see how it's done.


I wondered if I can thread and bolt in place eccentric rods or other I hear solder which sounds risky I just want to learn as many methods as possible to find what suits me.


Here is where I'm at so far I got these ultrascales cheap and want to invest in some more for my other A4s


I am using this one as my test bed and have a spare chassis too.

Plus some Alan Gibson sets too.




Cheers Rob :)

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Haha looks like I'm on my own with this one, oh well I think I will have to buy a comet valve gear set I just found and make it fit somehow. Or a brass masters easichassi though I want to stay 00 I think.

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You won't find a Brassmasters EasiChas in OO - they are for EM and P4 only.

Cheers mate and good to hear from you its been a while.


re the easichassi I'm not bothered about the chassis I am happy with the Hornby one but its the motion off it I wonder if I could use it with this and the ultrascale wheels.


I'm determind to get my head around this I really want to get into kit building to.


Cheers Rob :)

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A very good question and a feature that seems to be skipped over in the standard works.


I have always used Gibson crankpins, washers and nuts on Gibson wheels, with whatever valve gear comes with the kit. Comet should be fine. (I work in P4 but the principle will be  the same whatever 4mm gauge you use.)


I screw on the nut as tightly as possible, using a little Loctite or equivalent for extra safety, then solder the return crank on to the nut using a hottish iron applied quickly using lowish melt solder (say 188) with plenty of liquid flux and immediately quench the joint with wet tissue to prevent the plastic melting.


I have to say that this is not a job I have done frequently and it does not always work well so if anyone can post an improved method I would be very grateful.


One thing that I have not achieved is a replica of the four bolt heads that are so prominent on LMS cranks. Chris Pendlenton does it - but how?



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Thanks clecklewyke hopefully we may squeeze some info out of those in the know. I have always been fascinated by kit built locos and it seems like a clandestine religion that only a select few are invited to learn.


I am determind to figure it all out and do as many build threads as possible in the hope that others may fee like having ago. I think the kit built fine scale modelling. World is hugely overlooked by the railway modelling media and it is the modelling side of it that seems to be dying in favour of rtr, I love rtr but modelling is a hobby of mine and I hope this kit built industry will thrive in the future but needs more exposure.


As usual I have thrown myself in the deep end to Learn,

Today I have been working on the drivers using an old spare A4 chassis. I started twisting the crank pins with my finger into the backs of the wheels then as the final few threads were on show I ran some loctite 603 around the back then screwed them in and wiped off the excess.





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Then I fitted one wheel to the axle and had to use some alan Gibson washers to both take up sideplay of the wheels and to replace the Hornby washers which have a fractionally smaller inner diameter and will not fit the ultrascale axles however the axles fit the A4 chassis perfectly.


The gear is also too small this is a problem I will have to over come later suggestions welcome !










I currently have the outer wheels complete and quartered by site it was pretty easy to do and I am very impressed by these ultrascales. Gorgeous wheels indeed and they actually look like A4 wheels which is the whole point for me.


I stuck gold when I noticed this chassis has the remnants of comet gear on which will help me a bit however it does not answer my question about the eccentric which is a Hornby adaption.


Any tips on eccentrics, rivets, bolts, motion all welcome and the issue of the gear on the centre axle please


Cheers Rob :)

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Cheers Pete, will do.


I think I have solved the gear issue just opened up very slightly and carefully with a drill bit in my fingers. And it seems to have done the trick.


So it looks positive the the only issue is going to be the motion.


Cheers Rob :)

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