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Hey guys,


May I please know what happened to Mehano? I have a Mehano trainset but I hear Mehano also made some superbly detailed models of the EuroSprinter, Blue Tiger and Class 66 which I'd love to have in my collection. Does Mehano still make trains?




Mehano crashed IIRC during the 2009 downturn.  They were however present again at last year's Nuernberg trade exhibition.  A quick Yahoo search (other search engines are available) came up with




Picture resolution is dreadful and I have no idea how many of these items are actually available - or from where.


EDIT:  Cross post with 34 C

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Still in business





MEHANO d.o.o.

Izola, Polje 9

SI-6310 Izola


telefon: +386/5/660-81-00

telefaks: +386/5/660-81-01

e-mail: info@mehano.si



Direktor podjetja

Mauro Vuk

telefon: +386/5/660-81-00

telefaks: +386/5/660-81-01

e-mail: info@mehano.si



R & D

Andrej Boskovic

telefon: +386/5/660-81-50

telefaks: +386/5/660-81-02

e-mail: andrej.boskovic@mehano.si



Prodajni oddelek

Peter Viler

telefon: +386/5/660-81-52

telefaks: +386/5/660-81-03

e-mail: prodaja03@live.si



Finančno računovodsko področje

Barbara Podnar

telefon: +386/5/660-81-84

telefaks: +386/5/660-81-92

e-mail: racun02@live.si



Kadrovsko pravno področje

Marinka Jerman

telefon: +386/5/660-81-00

telefaks: +386/5/660-81-01

e-mail: prodaja02@live.si

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