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Hi Ive had 2 ccw wooden kits tucked away for years ones the above coach/van the other is a sr cct van in wood im missing instructions for both was wondering if any rm members had a set of these :scratchhead:or has anyone built either of these wooden kits.



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I have built the utility van, the kit I had was bought in the 1970's and did not come with instructions only a drawing. The bogies I used came from CCW and were 8' 6" fox type with 3 hole disc wheels. the basic body was glued with cascamite the standard wood glue used back then, I can't remember any problems with building it.




mike green

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I used to have a great deal of fun assembling CCW coach kits in 4mm scale and as Mike says you only got a drawing and had to figure it out for yourself. The 4mm kits came with a slotted top rail and a deeper bottom rail into which you slotted small pieces of varying widths to represent the panels between the windows. The windows themselves were clear Perspex of similar and these too were slotted into the grooves of the top and bottom rails. When the glue had dried you had to sand paper the sides down to form the tumble home, etc. I believe that CCW later went on to produce sides which were complete and only required the windows fitting in to complete the coach side, BUT this was a long time ago and my memory may well be playing tricks on me.



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I dont think I have any CCW instructions, but if they were like Ratio/Kings Cross the instructions were generic. As said up to you how much detail you put into it. I have a 4 mm utility van of un-known origin, very basic kits, but they do let you do a bit of modelmaking

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The first photo is of a 4mm SR utility van




No idea of make has wooden ends, I have another with the projections under the windown




This is a 4 mm CCW kit and has metal ends. I have a 1965 catalogue. Very few wagon or coach kits, they have whitemetal coach ends and do 2 van kits with brass ends

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Hi thanxs for the replies everyone and pictures I was wondering about the ends how would these be made ie: flush to the ends and roof or a square of wood between the sides and under roof,I was thinking flush over the whole end would tidy it all up any ideas??



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You really need to find some plans, Railway Modeller Nov 73 or Model Railway Constructor May 87. Or buy one of the Parkside or K's utility vans and just scale up


I would say flat ply ends which should be scribed and the, add all the ironwork (riviter would be working overtime)

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