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Metcalf Church

russ p

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  • RMweb Gold

The description of this says it has separate windows. Does anyone know if it would be possible to cover the building in flint effect plasticard or would new window frames be required?



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The frames are usually part of the wall on metcalfe, although cutting out for the window stonework would just recess this slightly.


I would presume it reassuring purchasers that they haven't simply printed the stained glass onto the same layer as the wall

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I notice you are posting from Norfolk hence the wish to use flints.


My problem with the Metcalfe church is that it is 'anywheresville' - it has no noticable features that tie it to one part of the country (as the Metcalfe station buildings do rather well).

So maybe the Metcalfe church is best used as a Victorian gothic revival buiding in a C19 urban context adjacent to a railway.


I reckon you would have to be a lot more radical at butchering the church kit to give it the feel of a Mediaeval Norfolk church. I'd Google Norfolk churches then click up images to check through a great array of characteristic Norfolk features that you could re-assemble parts of the Metcalfe into.


To go back to the flint plasticard query : note how the flint seems often to trim off quite flush against fairly minimal stone window jambs. I really enjoy the battered hard-used look of so many Norfolk churches - some even have parts of the walls stripped of their knapped flint facings, leaving the underlying brickwork exposed. We always look out for the round towers (and occasional thatched church roofs) when visiting Norfolk.


You have some really exciting creative modelling ahead of you :good:



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for that dh, I may be posting from Norfolk, but I not be from round there parts!

I'm from not a million miles away from you, guisborough. My other half is from up your way, Bearpark just outside Durham

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As DH has hinted, it may be worth considering a scratch built structure / kit modified structure instead of just a re-clad. 


It could be worth looking at the Scalescenes church http://scalescenes.com/products/T014-Churchwhich actually comes with a  flint option


You could use plasticard instead of the top sheets, using the building formers to create the structure to clad with plasticard, just build it as is or use it as a starting point to modify 


single fee, print it as many times as you wish and your cardboard supply comes as quick as you can eat cornflakes!

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Thanks for that dh, I may be posting from Norfolk, but I not be from round there parts!

I'm from not a million miles away from you, guisborough. My other half is from up your way, Bearpark just outside Durham

I certainly locked quickly onto the Cley-on-sea/ tag at the end of your post, recalling some excellent camp sites along on those marshes we used to go to with the kids back in the days of a VW T2 Dormobile (we are on T5 now).

I've always enjoyed rooting around the vestiges of the old M&GN - Melton Constable fascinates me.


Bear Park has morphed into a sought after dormitory village for Durham City .....well heeled Durham postgrad students from 'dahn sarf' like to live there while doing their Masters courses.


Like your layout - the grain stores have a look of the front street at Wells - (where there used to be an ace fish shop). :yes:


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  • RMweb Gold

We drove through bearpark a couple of years ago,she wanted to go for old time sake. I wanted to have a look at the remains of the pit and the coke works,not much left.

Thanks for your comments on my layout, when the quey is finished there will be a gantry similar to wells to load boats.

Melton always reminds me of somewhere up north dropped in Norfolk, leiston in Suffolk is similar

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Perhaps thismight have a little more character, and be easier to scratchbuild, from J Ahern's Miniature Architectural Modelling pages




By kind permission of the copyright holders


I think JA puts it quite succinctly?



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for that Doug, I'm going to go to the model shop tomorrow and have a look at a Metcalf one. That seems to be the right size. I only need to detail one side and the tower end as it is going to be a corner piece. It will be next to the railway as it comes off quite a long plate girder bridge overlooking a river so it will be real Norfolk

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  • RMweb Gold

I started building the metcalf one this morning, I'm beginning to wish I'd seen the petite one first, I'll se how i get on with the metcalf one. it looks like i can get away with cladding it in flint plasticard and using plastic stone coins on it

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  • RMweb Gold

Well two bits of flint plasticard stuck to some card wouldn't be very exciting.

Im still experimenting, I'll build the metcalf one,but if it's too big i may take your suggestion and use the smaller Dapol one.Basically what i want the end result is a Norfolk flint church overlooking a river and girder bridge from a hill

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