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DJH Sr/Br L class

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It's been age's since i actually did any modelling due to illness & christmas but after a Ravensglass & Eskdale loco kit was wafted under my nose it was the boot i needed to start modelling again. I spent an evening building up the diesel kit for a friend who had struggled with it & after i had finished it i wanted to do something else.


Way back last year i think it was i bought the L class kit off one of the members of this forum & was going to build it in EM but choose OO. It was basically the first loco kit i had built & learnt some lessons from it. The first time i started it i made a real botch job of it & it fell in bits because of various mistakes i had made due to experience.

The other day after finishing the Ravensglass kit i decided to take another look at the model to see where i had gone wrong & wondered if i could get it right again. I spent the first evening putting together the tender after i made a real hash of it the first time round. The second time was totally different it went together very well indeed & i was pleased with the effort i had put into it biggrin.gif


The Loco body is actually rather sound from the first time round & a testiment to DJH. The chassis had been built but pulled apart due to some problam i cant remmeber what, So another evening spent rebuilding it turned out a nice finished chassis which ran once tested.

When i set out to build this model i bought the DVD that Mr Wright did with British railway modelling & watched it once & forgot i had it, I have spent a afternoon or two watching it to see where i had gone wrong & happily i've fixed all my mistakes where i could & the model is running well.


Here it is at the moment.




The one thing i have really cocked up though is the pick up's the chassis on the L class is so small & with it being a 4-4-0 their really isnt that much space for PCB to be fitted. The chassis has leafspring detail right where you want pick ups to be so it was hard to fettle but i have made it work & for a first model i'm really chuffed.


As you can see here the over complicated pick ups.




Thinking about it now though with it being a 4-4-0 i guess the extra pick ups are a must for pointwork etc.


I have just the detailling to add now really their are only a few bits left in the box although i think one part has been lost in transit sad.gif

The only other part after the detailing will be to paint & finish it which i am dreading, lining this out in BR colors will be a real pain in the khyber i think.



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Cheers Brucie i've been adding the extra details to it tonight it is nearing completion now rolleyes.gif I've been having a think about how to tackle the paint scheme because i'm no good at lining locos out. I think that possibly my best way to get around this is to go for all over black with the british railways written accross the tender. I don't think that will be prototypical being a southern engine but i think it might be my best way to get a decent looking model numbered & finished.


Hoping to do a DJH B16/1 next.



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Most of this class finished the war in plain black, & it could be up to 3 years before they got repainted, so you could authentically do it in Bulleid style lettering, with the words 'southern' or 'british railways' on the tender, with the appropriate number on the cabside..

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Thanks for that info their thats great news it would have bugged me knowing it wasnt in the correct livery. I'm thinking of possibly re doing the chassis on this one before i complete it because the pick up arrangement is to complex. I didnt realise until watched the right track dvd that i can stick one side of pick ups on & leave it using the chassis as the other pick up via the live wheels. I wont be making this mistake on the B16 & my A2/3.


Thanks for the info though regaurding the livery great help.



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