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Ixion 060 tank .

Soul Man

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Hi I'm wanting some ideas of the type of wagons or vans I can use with my ixion 060 tank .i want build a small layout so looking to use coal wagons or other open wagons &Vans either ready to run or kits . Something to match the period of the ixion tank loco . I've been looking at some Lion Heart wagons like his Lms or Lner wagons he has . But don't if these are suitable to run with my Ixion 060 to keep the period right .

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Interesting question,  I couldn't see anything on the website itself but this review http://www.ixionmodels.com/Hornby%20Magazine%20HC%20review%20for%20website.pdfsays it's in 20s/30s condition so suitable for running with big 4 wagons on a private or industrial railway.


It also says that they were first built in 1888 and the last built in 1946 so you would be safe enough running it with pre grouping or British Railways wagons too.

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As Giles said- being industrial locomotives they lasted a fairly long time and could be found in most corners of the country- so no need to be too specific with either era or region- anything between about 1930 and 1965 is probably fair game! The Lionheart wagons are very nice, you could equally use the private owner liveried ones.

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Hi I'm wanting some ideas of the type of wagons or vans I can use with my ixion 060 tank .i want build a small layout so looking to use coal wagons or other open wagons &Vans either ready to run or kits . Something to match the period of the ixion tank loco . I've been looking at some Lion Heart wagons like his Lms or Lner wagons he has . But don't if these are suitable to run with my Ixion 060 to keep the period right .

Hi all thanks for all your info in now gives me some thing to work from . I do like the Lionheart wagons they do have some nice detail on them they are also good value for money when compared to buying wagon kits. Thanks again for all your input .cheers.
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I think the answer is practically any wagon you like provided it's steam era, which gives you a huge choice. Perhaps a harder question is what traffic do you anticipate catering for? For example, something like a steel mill would have lots of bolster wagons. A coal mine, (obviously) nearly all coal wagons. A rural branch terminus, coal wagons with some opens and vans for agricultural traffic and maybe some cattle wagons. A chemical works, loads of tankers and maybe some coal wagons if there was a coal-fired boiler. If you are going for Private Owners, remember that they were (mostly) pooled in 1939, but before that many were restricted to particular localities. For example, the famous Burtts Beehive wagon would be unlikely to show up in Yorkshire, and even less likely in Cornwall. 

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