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  • 4 weeks later...

Too wet outdoors so the indoor layout is getting some attention. Not sure on the scale to be used yet.

7mm is rather large for what I like to do and HO looks very small these days.

There is another option but I have little left of of my S scale.




Oh well, not life threatening choices....decision, decisions :>)




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I have decided to shoehorn the O gauge into the room. The HO just didn't look right any more and while the S gauge would have been perfect it meant having another scale to have to scratchbuild all the stock and structures for and while I have free time it is not unlimited :>)


Two axle locos and short w/b stock are the order of the day to get around the tight curves. More track is on the way.




Fortunately I have 2 locos that can be used, a railmotor and some 4 wheel stock.



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That a Didn't take Long Bob, good move. If the O curve is out a bit further in the place of the HO line you may just squeeze a 18 class round but the 4F is sure to go round.


I know what you mean re the Size of HO after you have been playing with O, I spent part of the the installing a new Loop on the Club layout in HO and whilst it's easy to handle it's just seemed so small I kept looking at this Peco code75 long point and thinking is that a long or a medium it was a long but shows how your perception changes.

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I think I understand why many lifetime O gaugers when faced with severe downsizing simply abandon model railways rather than move to a smaller scale Chris.


I'll see at some point if I can get some more play into the 18 class mech. The N67 will go around the inner curves I have found so that adds another one I can use. I was never in doubt the Lima 4F's would go around but they might look a bit big, once track is down all the way around I will see how they look.

I now await the postman!

Blow a dog off a chain here at the moment so no running trains outdoors today.




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Perhaps it is only me Marty, but after years of teaching and competing with r/c aircraft, racing model cars and playing guitar in bands the process of shuffling a few trains about on my own doesn't challenge me for very long.

But who knows I might get to like it one day :>)



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I think I understand why many lifetime O gaugers when face with severe downsizing simply abandon model railways rather than move to a smaller scale Chris.


Bob I think, there is no way I could give up the Hobby it's been ingrained since the day I was brought home from the Hospital in a bassinet at a couple of days old. Down sizing may be yes in 30 years but it won't include down sizing to no railway area I'd settle for a bed room with a large railway room attached and a crew room with kitchenette.




No need to abandon the scale when downsizing the house. Move to a shelf layout down the long wall of the garage and take part in some shunting.

Ok Marty how are you going with the railway down the garage wall, now you have moved back to a place with a garage.

If you haven't started You can make an offer to buy Moonan Flats if you like I'm about to start on a new layout based on a mainline Station with a Harbour back drop Hmmm Guess where it's based off.

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Coal hopper coupler issue fixed for now with an extended coupler at one end of each wagon.


Now there is a painless way to get a layout Martin.


Hmmm... am I allowed to guess..... Lavender Bay, Bombo perhaps.??




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The sun is out, the wind has eased so some of the basic backscenes are in mass production.


attachicon.gifbasic backscene production.jpg




Looking Good Bob

You certainly had some good sun shine up the New England make the most off it they say it's not going to last this week.


Re my new layout probaly going to call it Wharf Road with the Newcastle Treminus represented looking across from the Scott street side towards the Harbour with the harbour as the back scene and customs house at the end will act as a view block for a fiddle yard at that end for goods trains to disappear and empty car stock


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Sounds good Chris, the fact that you are doing it from an onshore perspective will immediately set it apart from Ron's effort.



Yes as well as the few HO versions all looking towards Scott street.

Plus Ron Layout is no more the people who got it broke it up.

Going to need lots of Trax 1/43 model cars as well looking a all the photos of Wharf Road was full of cars.


Really the idea for the layout is to provide a home for the 5 C38's and when I eventually get my big shed the the source of trains for the Toronto branch, it will all form part of the "Grand Plan Model" railway.

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After some some time considering the possible track layout, I decided the raised mainlines that were intended for the HO or Sn42 were going to limit my options. Some measurements of the leftover ply sheets suggested I would be up for another sheet if I discarded the curved sections so I made a patchwork fill-in with much use of the jigsaw. Not ply enough leftover to start a fire!   :>)

I removed the raised spacer blocks in the process.

My backdrop painting skills need work so I have been practising out in the garage when the weather is nice to me. I have had the railmotor circulating while all this is happening.

Finally, its intermittent problems developed into a full time short in one of the Lima motor bogies. Quick fix was to remove the brushes and some of the gear train. It now runs sweetly again. :>)


I am now looking at just how useful some of my aging home made track might be for this layout. Some of the code 100 point rails have been resoldered more than 3 times between S and O gauges. Thankfully they are all in O gauge at the moment!


One surprise this morning was the discovery that my brass 49 class may well go around the tight curves of the indoor layout. If this proves physically OK it will be interesting to see when the scenery is in just how such a large item looks going around those curves.




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Waiting on some track to arrive to finish loops so some structure building is taking place.

Paling fences are the current project.

Good wood for the posts and rails and cheap for the palings.





Suns out, no wind must go and run some trains outside!

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Both main lines were finished today although theoretically this is an area of passing siding.

The coal mine tracks are next up. Going to try reusing the old handlaid code 100 again.

Points and enough droppers wired to watch some trains running this afternoon. Bliss!!








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I started on the process of making use of the track recovered from a previous layout. All made from code 100 Peco, pc board and wood sleepers.







Made the transition section last night. Must raid the scrap bin for some more ply to fill in a hole!



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Reusing the C100 track has taken up the last few days. Enough wiring done to enable test running.


The point control is via switches mounted in thin ply bases using paper clips for connection. The thin ply base idea was for previous layouts that used 3" styrofoam baseboards and they were glued to it.

These have been used on at least 5 layouts in 3 scales before.









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These are just hidden in the scenery. You can see the remaining grass on one of them Martin.


By keeping them in the ply covers I can just drill a big hole to insert the switch.


On one HO layout some of the switches were located at the baseboard edge and operated by C100 rail extensions routed under any trackwork that was in the way. Coated with vaseline before a layer of tape was laid over the rail and then ground cover over that.


I have now finished laying all the track and tidying up the sleepers. A mixed bag of construction; solder, glue and track spikes. It was a lot easier the first time with my jig,  gauges  and Pliobond on hand.




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