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New bookazine "Resignalling Britain" by Michael Rhodes


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Saw this in Asda today, and for £6.99 it looked to be worth a punt, if only for the photo's.It's published by the publishers of the Railway Magazine which gives it some credibility to me. I have little or no knowledge of the subject, and would be grateful for any comments from those on here with some expertise.



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Well, I've only had a quick flick through, but from what I've seen it it looks accurate enough, it's more about which what's happening where, i.e. Which boxes are being absorbed into which Rail Operating Centres, rather than anything technical.


It also provides a nice history is signalling, which isn't too technical, but I think it has mixed up some dates in the early days of signalling, but doesn't detract from it. The only bit I'm reserved on is a section on Automatic Train Protection, which glosses over GWML and Chiltern ATP (actually doesn't mention it), but in fact talks about AWS and the Great Western Automatic Train Control.


It's good to read about the lives of signallers and how they used to work, which is actually quite relevant for current day projects.


Some very nice pictures as well.



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