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7mm Track gauges?

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Hello all,


Well after enjoying, and continuing to do so I might add, the benefits of building OO-SF track for my 4mm layout, I've decided to have a little dabble with 7mm. Not sure to what extent yet, but the main thing I'd like to clear up is the different gauges shown on the Templot programme.


My interpretation of them is as follows:


31.2 SF = Similar to OO-SF in that it is a gauge narrowing for smoother running.

31.5 MF = Unsure of this one, but seems again a gentle gauge narrowing.

32 GOG-F = Gauge O guild fine standard gauge (Peco,etc)

33 S7 = Scalesevern which I an discounting at this stage.


No my understanding is thet the flangeway gaps are as follows:



SF = 1.25mm flangeway

MF = 1.5mm flangeway

GOG-F = 1.75mm flangeway


Are my assumptions correct?


Looking at the options available to me, I think it would be a toss up between the SF & MF. I have seen some track built to MF standards and it looks very good.

Can anyone tell me where I can obtain the correct gauges for these two please?


I am intending building using wooden sleepers, C&L chairs and C&L rail, from the Templot plans.


Any help given is much appreciated.


Jinty ;-)

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Hi Jinty,


0-XF (31.0mm) has gauges available from C&L but it is flawed and doesn't work. Don't use it.


0-SF (31.2mm) is for Slaters wheels (and equivalents) only. It gives the smoothest running, but requires easier curves than 0-MF and won't accept some older existing wheels. I'm not aware of any gauges available.


0-MF (31.5mm) is now the preferred choice of many builders of handbuilt track in 7mm scale. It accepts all existing wheels (other than the old Coarse standard wheels and S7 wheels). And provides smooth running for all of them. Gauges are available from Debs of this parish (see: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/user/13493-debs/ ) and from Roxey Mouldings  ( http://roxeymouldings.co.uk email them for details).


G0G-F (32.0mm) is the long-established Gauge 0 Guild Fine standard. Gauges are available from several suppliers. Unfortunately many of the wheels available nowadays do not properly comply with this standard (they are not wide enough), giving bumpy running through crossings. Most builders now prefer 0-MF instead.


S7 (33.0mm) is the 7mm scale equivalent of P4, suitable for S7 wheels only. See: http://www.scaleseven.org.uk


If in doubt choose 0-MF. :)



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