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We have power, wiring done.



Cant say its thrilling work but the track needs power so it needs doing, I don't mind soldering and when all said and done I served my time at GEC as an Electrical/ electronic engineer so it should be fun, but its one of those has to be done jobs !!


The layout will be DCC so its pretty much a case of making sure I have power to every spur, now I know my method is not the "done thing" but it works for me, I find no pleasure in sitting under the workbench soldering droppers and bus wires. My own experiences has been that for a layout in a 8 x6' shed, any voltage drop caused by having no bus wires is negligible. So all I do is solder a pair of thin link wires to each point as this...




On link red circled rail to red circled rail and like wise on link between the blue circles, you can just about see them. This means which ever track the insufrog blades select all spurs are live. I than just have a single feed to the neck of the yard. More or less DCC with 2 wires. The main thing is it works.


Once each point has


been linked as above the whole lot got a spray with sleeper grime.




I'm pretty happy with the "artistic, sweeping curves" rolleyes.gif


In the last picture the observant that some stock has arrived, the post man delivered 3 boxcars I won on ebay..








They are bigger than I had expected, yes I know 50' in 1:87 is something I could should have worked out but there we go, the only problem I have found is the mocked up barge is 60mm too short to hold 2 cars on each track, I guess I'll make the proper one bigger.








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