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One too many... (of these windows!)

James Hilton


Boy am I glad that Rose Hill doesn't need any other buildings when this one is finished!


I've been making slow but steady progress with the pub for Rose Hill all week - after the photo of the 'first cuts' last Tuesday I got to the stage where it was self standing last night! A long way still to go though and I'm absolutely hating cutting windows and details out already!


Construction is 40 thou plasticard with a brick plasticard laminate. This is hopefully strong enough to prevent warping but as it progresses a floor will be going in shortly which should keep things all square anyway.

As you can see from the photos I'm adding custom scribed lintels to the top windows, and filed ones to the bottom to represent the real thing. I've even bothered to do the feathered bricks around the windows on the ground floor. The third side shouldn't be too hard but I don't have any photos or elevation drawings of the rear so some guess work will be the order of the day I think and hope I'm not too far off...


Here is a link to the real building:

The Railway Marple 04.02.01






Anyhow - I'm pleased with how it's coming along :)


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cheers Mason! :) I just like things to progress quite quickly that's all and this has been really tedious - but I'm determined to get a good quality finish. I want Rose Hill to be good enough to get into Model Railway Journal!

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i can honestly say i think it will make it mate, i like things to move quickly too, but iv decided to take my time on my current project as i also want it to feature somewhere or somehow?

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I know John but I'm hoping by the time it's painted and weathered you won't notice! ;) The ones with the brick behind were the first two I did where I was still all enthusiastic about scratchbuilding such a complex shape of building!

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That looks like it is going to be a very good building - I don't know how you found the paitence to cut out those windows with all that detail. I am looking forward to seeing your layout completed already!


Keep up the good work - it certainly will be worth it looking at that,



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I know John but I'm hoping by the time it's painted and weathered you won't notice! ;) The ones with the brick behind were the first two I did where I was still all enthusiastic about scratchbuilding such a complex shape of building!


I can relate totally, to be fair it only stands out because its white ! As you say once painted I doubt you will notice it, well YOU may always notice it, but no one else will! :D



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