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7mm L&Y Donkey Lizzie- custom pickups

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Ive aquired this part built kit tonight from a sale of a chaps collection who sadly passed away.


Its a loco Ive liked and one of those that Ive had on my lists to have smile.gif and it was also cheap so I couldnt let it go even though I dont like the idea of starting something someone else has started.

Ive been looking to scratchbuild one of these for a while now, 51537 of Aintree Liverpool, I wasnt even aware that a kit was available, however there is lots to do and many parts either missing or didnt come with the kit originally but it does come with a motor and wheels.

The kit is by Leinster models. the chap whos started it seems to have made a good start but its going to need taking apart and cleaning up.


There is no cylinders, slide bars, crossheads, connecting rods, brass or nickel to do finish the water tanks off, no front of firebox,steps, boiler bands, couplings, brakegear and plenty more when I have time to have a proper look at it, basically all thats in the photo came with it.

I will also re do the pickups with something better.









heres what I hope it to look like, need to get buffers also, the ones supplied are nothing like these, any suggestions on where to get these, and other missing parts greatly appreciated.








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after a bit of studying, and looking at other pics, 51537 had a round top firebox so that makes things easier.


the rear of the cab- the vertical part between bunker and opening is too fat, not as thin when compared to real.


also I need another style of smokebox door like in the pic above, some also had midland style doors with catches.









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Hi Mike,


That looks like a nice loco to get you started in your 7mm career should look great coasting down some run down branch line, as for parts I think your best bet will be Laurie Griffin or if not Hobby Horse Developments especially now they have also taken over a lot of Tony Reynolds castings. Saying that I brought just two injector castings at Reading last week and that came to ??15, so try Laurie first as he is usually a little bit cheaper. Have you tried tracking down who now owns that particular kit ? if you send them a polite letter they might have the missing parts lying around and willing to sell them to you separately. Best of luck with the kit and I'm sure some other 7mm chaps will be able to give you some advice,



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thanks Martyn.


it doesnt look like Laurie Griffin does much L&Y stuff at the moment but thats the sort of guy I need, will get a set of his LMS vacuum pipes, and couplings , they look very nice.


cant find any info on the net regards Hobby horse/tony reynolds.


hopefully there may be someone selling bits at Wigan this weekend?



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thanks again Martyn.


one other slight problem, the smokebox has been made up nice, but studying photos the smokebox is covered in rivets, as is the footplate, do I take it apart undoing the good soldering and punch rivets in it, or try and add rivets some how as it is? maybe by drilling each one and using wire?






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Hi Mike,


I hope someone will help me out here as there was a thread a couple of weeks ago on "stick on " rivets, I think they were supplied by Scale hardware. They are an American company but their postal service is great 3-4 days and the parts will be with you. If the smokebox is good and solid I would leave well alone you are just giving yourself extra work, and it will probably never go back in place as good as it did originally.



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  • RMweb Premium

You can add rivets with Plastic Padding Super Steel epoxy, put a spot in place with a cocktail stick and as it hardens it shrinks to a hemispherical shape. As long as you place the same amount each time you get neat consistent rivets.

All these locos had round top fireboxes by BR days and you will also need to get the flanges off the centre driving wheels.

Michael Edge

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thanks guys, will give the rivet ideas a go ,


now,chowbent do a L&Y saddle tank with the same smokebox door, wonder if theyll sell one seperatley???


Mike, glad you got in touch as one of the photos Ive got for reference is of your lovely 4mm model of 51544, . never realised about the centre wheel, will get that turned off. do you have any more info on them, for example pipework around the cylinders and under the cab?





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Looks like a good little project Mike, wacky idea - how about adding a wrapper for the smokebox made of thin sheet with the rivets embossed on? Laurie does some useful bits and pieces, but you really have to delve through the catalogue to find what you want. Will you be adding the curious baffle that appears to swivel over the top of the chimney? !





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now,chowbent do a L&Y saddle tank with the same smokebox door, wonder if theyll sell one seperatley???



Hi Mike


I'm doing the Chowbent Aspinall saddle tank at the moment, and I used the later smokebox door, which means I have the original one you need spare.


PM me your address and it's yours. I can also let you have the brake spreaders and pull rods from my kit as I upgraded mine with the Griffin components as can be seen on my blog.





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Hi Tony,

I had been thinking about another wrapper but its pretty much the right thickness as it is now, still worth experimenting with.


I dont know if its the photograph, but some rivets like those running vertically between cab and water tank look as though they could have been ground down????



here is another great photograph showing what I mean..... http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=24841


yeah Ill be doing the baffle, again the problem with more detail in 7mm is Id like to try and copy the original in more detail, but cant really see the real one100%, if it where 4mm itd be a bit of wire and brass.


some other things to work out how to do....


the cab handrails and the lip around the cab opening.


and also the top of the water tank, arrangement of water filler etc. I do have a shot of 51455 from above but isnt 100% clear.






Richard, that would be fantastic, thank you, PM sent. thats saved a lot of trouble.


just looked at your saddle tank and it really is nice. do you know what size handrail knobs are used in the kit? id imagine them to be the same for this?

only other thing I could think I may have to try and get from chowbent is the buffers if theyd supply them? does anyone else do any l&y kits or parts?


cheers guys, its only been a day and everythings coming together nicely



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Hi Mike,


nice little prototype there.As far as L&Y bits and pieces are concerned, you could try Warren Shephard on




I got the buffers and loco springs from him for the Chowbent Aspinall 23 saddle tank that I did - the one that dikitriki is doing now.


best of luck with the rest of the build.





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cheers Mike, will give them a call later today or through the week. wondering also about the plates on the side of the smokebox and cab, builders plates?




just noticed it appears the safety valves and the circular base it sits on (dont know correct terminology) are the same as the L&Y A class, as is the whistle on top of the cab????


if they are it should be a lot easier to track down some castings???

does anyone do an A class kit?



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great stuff, so thats another thing that can be ticked off the list :)


some work to go before things like that are important but I like to have all the bits together before hand if possible.


noticed that laurie griffin does spectacle plates, so thats something else I think Ill go for,


interestingly in the pic above the rear cab windows appear to have glass in but no guards, I would have thought the glass would have got smashed easily???


Im not sure if on the front of the water tank it is a step or a handrail?


and only other details I can think Ill need some help with would be the internal backhead details, Id imagine it be similar to the saddle tank or A class?



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Richard Not finished that LYR o-6-0 saddle tank yet, you were on that at Peterborough, come on more haste and no slacking :D :D :D



Strewth, I'm getting nagged on someone else's thread! :)


Nearly there, but there's the little problem of building my layout which is taking up the bulk of my modelling time. Oh, and a manic time work-wise. I shall update my blog when I get some decent light for photos.



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