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How to Not Letter Wagons



For the first time in several months I had very very little on this weekend. Apart from a plan to get the first BBQ of the year in, that got rained off both days and is rescheduled for this weekend biggrin.gif), and a short visit to some of our significant others family I had a good chunk of time to use. Like many modellers I have more than one stash of stuff that I'd like to make one day. There are others that I would like to start soon. I have further stashes of stuff that I bought that is likely to remain wherever I put it. There is also the shelf of stuff that I started, plus the workbench(es) and finally there is a box of stuff that I consider finished. The latter has around a dozen wagons in it and I'd like to get more of the stuff from the shelf of stuff that I started, plus the workbench(es) into this box. Persistant readers will have probably concluded that I am easily distracted due to the lack of consecutive, or even subsequent, posts on any one subject.


I built both of the 2mmSA GWR opens soon after they were released. One was finished fully lettered and loaded with an unusual (I thought) wood load, as previously seen in the post 'Wagons Also Spin'. The other languished on the shelf with the base colour, but no lettering. It was an ideal candidate for finishing off because it only required the livery completing, weathering and the couplings added. The lettering was a struggle. Thinking about a load, and flicking through some reference material I decided on a load of hay. This could be fully sheeted (two tarpaulins) and the wagon would virtually disappear, and the lettering wouldn't matter.




I dug out an ancient email with a picture of a GWR sheet laid out flat attached to it and looked for a suitable item to pair it with. (Until I find a font that matches the GWR tarpaulin numbers then I'm a bit stuck for making any others!) Saturday morning was spent printing onto Rizlas, which is not as hard as it sounds. Print the sheet to scale size, then using the gummed edge of the Rizla stick it to the page so that the remainder covers the print, reinsert the page and print again. This time it should print onto the Rizla. I used the draft setting to get a faded look to begin with. The 'hay' is a suitably shaped chunk of expanded polystyrene (the same pink stuff I've been using as terraform for the layout). As long as you don't get them too wet when weathering (or use water fast inks) you should be fine. Now using small amounts of superglue and careful shaping with fingers and tweezers the load can be wrapped up in the sheets. Looking at photographs of the real thing will help to get it looking right. I only wish I'd removed most of the strapping, because the sheets seem to take their form, and the sheets lay quite flat over the wagon sides in the photos I looked at.


Here's another view of 77046 from the other side. It's a GWR 5 plank open with DC1 brakes. The tarpaulins are pre-grouping GWR and LNWR styles. I read somewhere that they went grey in service (both letters and sheet) as they wore out, but I had to stop myself before the whole lot became a washed out grey. I also tried to keep the two tarpaulins a slightly different shade so they didn't merge. The couplings have only just been added and need a lick of colour.




Sunday was spent cutting about 200 pieces of indentically sized bits of wood in a jig I made last week, but (as they say on the end of TTTE) that's another story.

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  • RMweb Gold

Pretty neat. I would never have thought of printing onto Rizzla's


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Blimey Rich - There's not a lot to tell that's 2mm from first view! Really impressive stuff.


Where do you get your 3-links from? They look very nice!





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@buffalo, They happen to be green king size papers because the shop only sold green in king size.


@pixie, the coupling links are made from 0.3mm n/s wire.

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Smiths make GW tarps and others in N, availble from Rails (I think) I did a tarp wagon with just a plain tissue paper and glue method. It also suffered with a little bit wit the strapping showing thru. I love the load on yours, rizla idea great. If you get a misprint you end up with a pre-grouping roll up!

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Hi Rich :)


What a fantastic little blog entry! That is an amazing little tip you have posted there and its inspired me to give it a go too.


Thank you.


Missy :)

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