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Building a Parkside 7mm LNER Toad E


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I'm building The PD Kit of the subject van, PS113.  I was trying to rig the brakes but hit a snag when it came to the connection from the handbrake to the main crank.  It's as if the kit designers hadn't much of an idea of how things looked.


Here's where I am:






The main crank has two arms with the inner holes connected to pull rods for the brakes.  A fiddle to do but we got it.  There's a third hole that is supposed to connect to the handbrake wheel ...somehow.  In the pictures I bodged some wire from that hole to the opposite side of the van but on reflection that doesn't make any sense so I removed it.


So, anyone know how things were connected?



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A member very kindly sent me a drawing of a similar brake van.  This enabled me to correct the rigging.  I'm a bit red faced because now that I've seen how it goes it should almost have been obvious.




There is till a tiny niggle and I wonder if there should be a link between the bottom left crank and the bottom right crank.  Perhaps there should be a link to reverse the direction so the rods pull both sets of brakes.



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Having been advised in a PM about the correct rigging setup I can proceed with the rest of the wagon.  I've been making subassemblies along the way.  I figured I'd better do an interior and found several pictures online.




The side on the left will house the stove.  The handbrake wheel resides at about the middle of the side on the right.  Bench seats and partition are made from plastic card.  I used Aged White and (don't laugh now) Wisconsin Central Maroon.  I've weathered these since the picture was taken.


The other thing I turned my mind to was the step boards.  Anyone who has made a van kit with these made from has probably broken them.  I know I have and they're the very devil to repair.  The kit comes with these: 




Looking at these, I immediately thought that these will not withstand the rough and tumble of layout operation and transport to shows.


I therefore made these up:




Step hangers are two lengths of 0.020" brass wire soldered together with one length for each leg.  I made a jig for the leg spacing and marked my pliers for the bend locations. 


Steps themselves are 5mm brass strip (luckily I was able to find the exact size in stock).  The raised bit at the back was done by soldering 0.032" brass wire.


I'll work on attaching the step boards to day - fingers crossed.



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I assembled the step boards this evening:




I am amazed and pleased at how well these turned out.  I did have to tweak things here and there but everything is quite straight.  My only disappointment is that the hangers are not flat as they should be.  I did try to solder some 1mm PB strip to the hangers between the steps but couldn't get any access.  Perhaps next time I'll do better.  I do have a Slaters Dia 61 brake van coming.


I wanted to see how things look with the body loosely fitted:




Things are a bit of a mess and I have ordered some BR grey paint which should arrive in a day or so.


Assembly should be plain sailing now.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working away steadily on this model and construction is pretty much done:



I have a stove to install and I'm waiting for a handbrake standard before putting the roof on.


I'll do the transfers tomorrow.


I know the thread title is wrong but it's not obvious to me how to change it.



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  • 4 weeks later...

The van construction is done.  The last thing I did was to add safety loops under the brake yokes, not provided in the kit or indeed even mentioned - although I'm always missing stuff in the instructions.  I used 0.032" wire chemically blackened. 




Still to do is lamps, weathering and, of course, add a guard figure.



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  • 2 months later...

I have weathered this van:





As usual I'm always worried that I overdo things.  My first effort looked utterly filthy so I washed most of the powder off with IPA and tried to reapply powder in a more muted fashion. 



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