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BT Metals freightcar fleet and Sullivan Scrap loads.


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Those look perfect... exactly like the cars I see all the time.


For another interesting load, I used to see regular gondolas in scrap service carrying nothing but old, broken-up engine blocks.  We also serviced a place called Timken (yes, the company that makes roller bearings) that sent out gondolas of metal shavings.  They were always nasty because of the lube oil they used in machining the bearings was still all over the shavings and would leak out of the cars.

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http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/rslist.aspx?id=EAMX&cid=6Here is the link to the web page from railroad archive , some good overhead shots of various loads. It's worth noting that the 400>439 cars are ex Procor and are longer and with different end detail. Intermountain did a run of these in Procor, CP and another livery, I picked up a single Procor car from Walthers via Model Junction . It's sitting on the work bench having some minor damage repaired before weathering, mind you there's also an an WNYP Alco C430 waiting for weathering and decoder as well. Lets just say it's been an expensive month!

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