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Bachmann - Toad Brake Van - Yellow

Scottish Modeller

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


I noted a while ago that Bachmann were to release the GWR Toad Brake Van in yellow livery.




The only one I came across was the one in the link below:-




Were there any more in this livery?



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  • RMweb Premium

Thank you, its now showing the correct picture perhaps there was an issue with Flickr. They seem to have different running numbers but as some of the numbers are difficult to read its hard to tell. From what was scrawled on the side of the one in the photograph it is apparent that they served as riding vans with cranes.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you, its now showing the correct picture perhaps there was an issue with Flickr. They seem to have different running numbers but as some of the numbers are difficult to read its hard to tell. From what was scrawled on the side of the one in the photograph it is apparent that they served as riding vans with cranes.

Hi Phil.


I have personal experience of the Healey Mills one...


Not that I got a ride - but I know someone who was regularly required to.


Correct - Used as a riding van for crews allocated to cranes on whatever the duty was.


I remember this one being used at Huddersfield to rerail a van in the goods yard.



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  • RMweb Premium

There was one which was modified to carry some sort of small plant , with the verandah sides removed, IIRC. Hywel Thomas built one for his 'Morfa Bank' layout.

There was one used on an industrial site with the veranda sides cut away and a small hand operated crane installed beneath the roof.

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I was on a quest for Yellow Toads a few years back, I had managed to photograph a few when i lived in York in the early '90s - York WRD seemingly being the culprit turning them out in yellow to work with cranes & other plant.


Through talking to a few wagon gurus from that era, I've managed to track down records or pictures of the following Toads in Yellow at the end of the '80s / early '90s:







There may have been only these four done in yellow, but hopefully someone will come along with more pics & prove me wrong :-)


There's no announcement anywhere i can find of the number of the up&comer, but from the Bachmann website it is possible to zoom on this little detail:


Yellow Toad Bachmann


sure looks like DW68983, but with footboards still installed...


The first one pictured on the flickr site is DW68983 with the crude scrawl "81512  To SToP WiTH CRANE'

The Toad pic posted directly to the form with the file name 'Toad3bensham1993m.jpg' is DW68995, codes ZXP

Paul Bartlett's site has al least one pic of DW17244


- DW68995 has the mod to seal the front of the verandeh

- DW68983 looks to have had the footboards removed but many of the brackets still in place.

- Many also had vents for heaters installed in their sides.



This is the one of modeled of DW17244 using a Ratio kit:


Yellow Toad   DW17244

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A couple of the real things in the York / HM area:


First one is DW17244 on a GUS from York to HM hauled by 31230 & conveying the Toad, CE crane 81512 (note the write writing on body of Toad), an RRA runner, BAA & Cargowaggon bogie flat (IFA ?), plus brakevan, grampus, Salmon, 4 x Catfish hoppers & brakevan

Date - March 1990

Ywllow Toad    DW17244 Burton Salmon 290390

Second is a different angle of DW68983 at Healey Mills. Looks like it's no longer Stopping' with crane 81512 as that lettering is now also on DW17244 
Date: April 1990

Yellow Toad DW68983 (81512) HM 190490

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi 47 406,


Thanks for the photos...


Train details make very interesting as well.


The Cl31 also has the Infrastructure flash band above the Railfreight Logo.


Will have to look back at the books from 1990 to see if it is possible to ID which CL31 it is - unless you have a record already?



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  • 1 month later...

Can anyone provide any further information as to the earliest date that these brakevans found their way into yellow livery?


The earliest picture of a yellow one I have found anywhere is the one of DW17244 on Paul Bartlett's site which is Feb 1988

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