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Status Updates posted by Dogsurfer

  1. Chewing nails waiting for Hornby's 38xx to arrive (in wartime black). Yum

  2. Like the Cornish 'handle': Marthys dres ehen!!!

  3. thankfully the dentist was mercifully short and pain free!!!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Did he use a stepladder? glad to hear he is in good health...

    2. Boris


      Usually the most painful bit about the dentist is the bill!

    3. Dogsurfer


      Hahaha!! nice one(s).

  4. Dental work in an hour :-((

  5. Moving forward with the baseboard - extensions added. Station throat more or less finalised - points ordered!! Alignment for mainline pretty much settled....

  6. Plans for Citidel Stn moving ahead again - prob. use of the trackplan of Cheltenhan St James as basis but modified to allow two through roads, but back to drawing board again with scenic section: Still want an open section where Castles, Halls and Granges can show their legs!!

  7. Yep. Going to sink the viaduct by two inches and raise the joining line to reduce the gradient. Much thinking required about getting the scenics right for the two junctions linking the upper and lower level lines....

  8. I've been giving the track plan more thought: Since this is going to be a two-level layout I really will need to do the maths to check that gradients between the two levels won't be too severe. I'm also concerned that the main item - Citidel Station will have to be built onto quite a narrow baseboard. Have I underestimated???!!!!

  9. It's 12th November and at the end of a busy week I'm flat on my back with a cold. I reeeeally could do with continuing by the baseboards but I don't think that would be a great idea!!!

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