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Posts posted by Minster

  1. The trains I had in my my first electric train-sets used to spark and vaporise the oil (tiny bottles of Shell oil) making a very characteristic odour. Modern lubricants don't seem to do that. Also modern locomotives don't seem as sparky!




    My brothers Hornby EMU made so many sparks it was close to looking realistic! smile.gif

  2. Hi folks,


    Not much news really - why am I less motivated on these dark, cold winter nights?

    and why do I fall asleep in front of the telly? - answers NOT including comments about age are welcome :rolleyes:


    Did a bit of "soft" landscaping last night - dead grass weeds etc

    looks ok, but the £12 static grass applicator didn't work anywhere near as well as the Noch,

    which I borrowed from Lord & Butler model shop....

    Pixie suggested making sure you have really good batteries - so I must try again,

    with some brand new Duracells......


    There are going to be a few puddles of water around the layout,

    so I tried using the "realistic water" which Barry Ten gave me to use on my O gauge layout

    (clarbeston north). The realistic water dries quite quickly,

    when poured in small quantities, to a very shallow depth.


    This looked OK, but I must try Gordon Gravetts method,

    of insetting pieces of clear plasticard, painted black / brown on the undersideCheers all


    Marc :D




    Woodland scenics do a water one which i have a bag of, - one day when I try it out I will let you know what it is like!



  3. Men in their twenties like to play football.


    Men in their thirties like to play cricket.


    Men in their forties like to play snooker.


    Men in their fifties like to play golf.


    Have you noticed as men get older, their balls get smaller!

  4. Generally yes, starting around 13mm diameter (scale 3’6â€) and getting larger, up to about 35mm diameter (scale 8’9â€) alright for things like downcomers on a furnace building roof.




    If you’re not in a rush, I’ll bring some components along to the next get together, and give a little “demo†– I don’t know what Gordon, the landlord, would make of it though !!




    Slater’s made pipe flanges, in a small bag of many different sizes, whether they are still available I don’t know. They only have relief on one side though. They are compatible with some of the Plastruct pipes and rod, but the Slater’s flanges go up to quite a large diameter.

    I found mine by bending over in front of some traders stands at the more ‘remote’ shows, and rummaging in those boxes they place in awkward positions, containing cast offs and poorly built kits ! Age has caught up, and I find it difficult to access such containers now !!!!!!


    Brian R




    Yes, you have jogged the memory a bit now Brian, Bristol Show, about 2 years ago a trader in number one hall had a diorama set up with pipe work fittings and I asked him about it.

    He said it was just something he knocked up for the show to demonstrate the fittings used in the flesh, sure it was the guy that had some of your American kits for buildings on it so that is where they may have come from.



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