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New Haven Neil

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Everything posted by New Haven Neil

  1. Late call - thank all for the good wishes for my birthday and our ruby wedding anniversary. Today has felt more like being in a lake rather than in the district - biblical (other books are available) rain this morning but lifted to mizzle later in the day. But if it didn't rain, it would be the valley district. Just had a cracking curry (Mila, in Bowness if you're visiting) and now back at the digs to pack. Boo hoo.
  2. Thank you Bear, have been muchly quiet as we're away celebrating in furrin lands - the Lake District - but return very soon-ly. The small matter of becoming more aged tomorrow too, or earlier today according to an old school pal who is now a vicar in New Zealand. I have explained he cheated me out of 12 hours of life!
  3. Something so sadly lacking in some other countries I could mention. Morning, early doors, lot to do today. 6c and dry, but windy once again. A short bike ride out with the old farts beckons for brunch, then other duties to attend to.
  4. That looks like it is straight out of the pages of 'People Management'. Thankfully I no longer have to read that every month......or pay the swine to retain their letters after my name.
  5. Mornington Crescent too. At least it wasn't Woman's Hour.
  6. I'm still waiting for that to kick in.....
  7. Morning world, a dry rock but a windy and chilly 6c is all it has to offer. @Barry O Indeed I often mention it is wise to ensure one is behind the bow when Mrs NHN is shooting, she doesn't often miss her intended target. Just make sure it's not you. Today's duties involve internal window cleaning, I have been assured it needs doing. Pah. The machinations of the UK political world annoy me, as we have no say in it - but they affect us! No party politics here, it's a sort of free for all, and basically they're all useless or close to it. The one's that aren't cannot get on with anything because the useless ones block them, and 'Faceberk Opinion' seems to rule the roost. I prefer to bury my head, nothing I can do nowadays will make a difference.
  8. Odd day, spent running around then making good on a promise to the distaff side to put some miles on her new velocipede. Missed a good drivel but marital harmony comes higher on the list.
  9. Not sure how to follow that! Nor am I sure how those got in there!
  10. Morning, from a chilly rock, dry and sunny but the 7c feels like 3. Just had a delivery of Mrs NHN's Ruby Wedding present, her new bike. As she's WFH today I get to ride it first 😁 First job though is to fit the dashcam, as we won't ride or drive without one after some naughty happenings a few years ago - lying git almost got Mrs NHN into a lot of bother after an accident (Court sorted them out eventually after a lot of grief) which wouldn't have gotten an inch further if we had had footage of the accident. As in - which side of the road were you ACTUALLY on at the time..... OK off to fit said cam, and all the little adjustments to make things right - lever heights and so on.
  11. Oh, I was on one of those 9F trips. Very full, not a seat to spare IIRC. Was that really 1985? Time passes.....
  12. Urrf. Got up a bit late again after 8, and then read through here and forgot to post. Age. So it is now 11c, dry and windy, but at least I have no orders! I have to go to the motorbike shop as he made an error in his calculations and we owe him a little more for her ladyship's new bike, we thought it was cheaper than he quoted at the time! Can't really argue with him as there is little choice here so falling out over two hundred quid would cost us more in the long term. Bike being delivered free though, tomorrow morning. Mrs H will be giddy, but has to WFH all day. I predict an early finish.
  13. Just sneaks in to this shot, if it's any Help to anyone! Newcastle central of course.
  14. IIRC there were isolating switches in the OHLE just out of shot! See gubbins on the mast bottom left. Edit: That looks like an earthing pole with the red flag on it too. Must be off, or they have insulating railwaymen....
  15. Morning, from a dry rock at 8c feels almost tropical - washing will be going outside this morning. I also had a lie-in, 8.30 is very late for me to stay in bed, but after Mrs NHN went out at 06something I managed to get back to sleep. Like Brian, I needed it. Having also 'messed about in boats' (up to 167,000 tons!) I have little interest in cruising, and like John CB we prefer to camp in the van or in winter a simple B&B, where we will be soon celebrating our wedding anniversary. The thought of going somewhere we found interesting and not being able to stay a few days longer to explore would drive us potty. Fraggle Rock is becoming a regular small cruise vessel destination, and it is noticeable that the punters don't spend much outside of pre-arranged tours. Our Government thinks they are a good thing, the populace is not so sure. I see the crowds arrive for a ride on the MER, they miss the most scenic part of the ride north of Laxey, because the fixers just want a quick and easy trip up the mountain railway for them. The northern part of the MER is constantly under threat due to low ridership, yet is by far the best part of the 17 mile route. All down to tour organisers.
  16. IIRC he was called Ian, but his surname has gone from my forgettory. He was involved with one of the Scottish preserved railways, we corresponded for a while afterwards. As for snow, it was April 2009, plenty snow up high!
  17. I've got that double page thing again. Just been ordering some bits for Mrs NHN's new toy, just a rack and adjustable handlebar levers to make life easier for her. My Enfield was much the same, Indians must have long fingers and neither of us do. Little stumpy sausages in my case. So her old not-very-old bike got a good polish and it's final portrait today, and is ready to go for part-ex and won't be missed. Too bland despite its total competence, very Honda!
  18. Euuw - if it smells like *&^t then I'm keeping well away! Lunch out with friends was most pleasant, full of carbs I shouldn't have had but occasionally you need to be let off the leash. Oh it's tasty when you haven't had a trad Sunday lunch for quite some time. Said friend (the one marrying the Jewish girl) is setting up a new company (Meeja stuff for big US client) and it is all very scary for him - he's now the Big Boss rather than just driving creative content, but I'm sure he will succeed, the US company had basically told him to set up to cut out a middle-man firm that was impeding production values. So an interesting couple of hours discussing the trials and tribulations of setting up a company here, while dealing with US clients that don't understand we're not the UK. They got Inland Revenue in the UK involved, it's nothing to do with them but the Americans just can't get their head around it all. Luckily the IR folk here are on the ball with this one, always keen to assist creation of work.
  19. I have a Zimo decoder fitted GW Prairie (sorry!) which does exactly those things - and an 08 that does it in a diesel-y way too. So it is all about the skill of the programmer, making the sound project. Coastal DCC and Digitrains respectively!
  20. Not so early this morning, due to 'other duties' being prescribed. You know how it is. I have been on the fringes of Jewish society a couple of times, one of my besties in the UK married a Jewish girl (complicated, believe me) and he and his friends were accepted into the family provided some basic rules were followed - they weren't devout Hacidics or anything. Interesting times, boy do they love their food, and will share it with good grace. Despite them now being divorced (also complicated) they are all still on speaking terms, right through the family. His wife was something of a black sheep, if that's not too naughty a term nowadays, OK an outlier, and the family knew that and accepted it all - not usual at all in such society but they thought my friends was 'good for her'. Wind forward 20 years to over here, and my bestie here is marrying.....yup! She's a star, lovely girl, and again while following beliefs is not devout. So once again we find ourselves on the fringe of Jewish society, and again find them friendly, accepting and generous people, provided some basic rules are followed, which they are happy enough to explain. Some interesting discussions result, from us as atheists, another in the same friend group who is a devout Catholic and thinking of taking Holy Orders or whatever going into the church is called, a smattering of Christians (my mum's maiden name!), and we all get on very well and respect one another's beliefs, or indeed lack of.
  21. Ah, great memories. I was about to ask if you knew the tour manager from GRJ we had when we went to Switzerland on the Glacier Express tour, then thought....that was for my 50th, and ....err.....I'm 65 in 10 days. He'd be very lucky and very old if he's not six feet under currently, a retired Scottish railwayman.
  22. hmm, forum's on the fritz, pages 12796 and 12797 are identical.
  23. No better up the mountain this morning, this is the Manx version of ten feet of snow anywhere else.
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