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    North East England
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    Anything which runs on rails. Specifically Midland Railway, M&GN, Modern Image, Swiss. Model in O & N

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  1. I forgot to mention the pigeon on the way home. Just before I went through Hartburn, between Scotsgap and Morpeth, I saw something coming towards me from the left side of the road. Then there was a loud bang and a I saw a pigeon bounce off the windscreen. I suspect the pigeon may not have survived and if it did it may have had a damaged wing and a headache. Fortunately about 100 yards further along there is a sharp bend with a large gravelled area on the outside of the bend, used as an informal parking space - it is a B road, just wide enough for two cars - so I pulled off to check the car. The top of the windscreen had an area of dust, the shape of a pigeon's wing which just wiped off. There was no damage at all to any other part of the car. Looking back along the road there was no sign of a pigeon - though I did pass several dead ones on my trip, all with crows eating the remains. The pigeon may not have been used to traffic, a car going by every 5 minutes means the road is busy. David
  2. After I wrote on here this morning I decided to pack a simple picnic, pick up my camera stuff and put everything in the car, set out and then decide exactly where to go. I ended up going to Wallington Hall (National Trust) using my usual cross country single track road short cut. Today it worked well, the only cyclists I encountered werre on the slightly wider bits. The council have been resurfacing a surprising number of roads so driving was a lot easier then last time. It was a surprise though to come across a large combine harvester doing a 3 point turn in the road and reversing into a field. Then a tractor and trailer carrying its cutter bar attempted to do the same, just touched a road sign and decided to let me get by before he tried again. Parking at Wallington was easy but the wind was cool, I needed a jacket. I knew it would be getting busy so headed east to the walled garden which meant I did not have to go past the various childrens activity areas. I chose a different route from usual through the wood, I met one person on the way there and three on the way back. The shed (kiosk) which does coffee etc was open at the garden, they only take cash as there is no mobile signal or phone line. It was very relaxing. While I was eating my cheese scone 2 chaffinches and a robin came to see if I needed help eating it, so they duly got given some crumbs. On the way back I had to pass the house and decided that as there was no queue to went in and had a very enjoybable walk round. They now allow photography as long as you don't use flash. A long time ago I got told off for taking photos, this was the first time I've been in with my camera since then. I had a good look round and talked with some of the room stewards. Photos are below - there may be more tomorrow. After my picnic in the car I came a different way home through Morpeth, there wasn't much traffic so it was very easy. For a change there was only one set of roadworks where the river bank has subsided and one side of the road isn't safe any more. As I drove into town I called at the pharmacy for my presciption and bought 6 CDs for £1 from a market stall. In today's post I have had several letters about my new bank account so they will be read over the weekend, then I can put money in it and try it out. Wallington The clock Tower Both of the grey doors lead to shops, the left hand one is unstaffed, it simply asks people to take their purchases to the right hand shop to pay for them. The same with the plants on the stands. Perhaps National Trust visitors are honest. Wallington Hall Owl The remains of a tree blown down by Storm Arwen Mallard and ducklings - probably a second brood. Wallington walled garden - top end. This was as busy as it got while I was there. David
  3. Some places beginning with "S" in the East Midlands and Lincolnshire. Sleaford Class 31 31156 down freight Jan 77 J5612 Sleaford Class 45 up freight Jan 77 J5614 South Leicester Junction MR Water Orton to Nuneaton branch bridge over A444 May 71 J2640 South Witham MR Saxby to Bourne line being converted to a road Oct 70 J2417 Spalding Class 31 5805 up parcels Aug 72 J3074 Spalding Aug 72 J3075 David
  4. A fine suny morning with a few fluffy white clouds floating gently by. Having got up and had breakfast I will now have to decide what to do today, there is the possibility of showers later which may influence my decision. Apart from that a few small jobs have already been done so the magazines I've read are now no longer lying on the sofa and a few things have gone back into the kitchen cupboards. David
  5. 2 locations in Switzerland today: Fahrwangen Mesietschwanden which was where a railway ran the 8.23km to Wohlen, it closed in 1997. The photos show some of the line's stock and shed. Faulensee which is on the BLS line between Spiez and Interlaken. Fahrwangen Meisterschwanden WM BDe4/4 1 from Wohlen 3rd Aug 88 C10028 Fahrwangen Meisterschwanden WM BDe2/4 3 in shed and Em2/2 101 line closed 31March 1997 3rd Aug 88 C10029 Faulensee 17th Aug 91 C16478 Faulensee BLS 17th Aug 91 C16477 Faulensee BLS Ae4/4 257 Interlaken Ost to Spiez 17th Aug 91 C16479 Faulensee BLS Ae4/4 257 Spiez to Interlaken Ost 17th Aug 91 C16481 David
  6. It was a typo, thanks for pointing it out, I have altered it. David
  7. There's not too much to report today. Church went well as usual, a lot of people are on holidayso were not there. I then had a walk on the promenade but it started to drizzle so I turned back a bit early. I didn't get too wet. I've sorted out more photos for the web and checked the captions. I've found out a little bit about the teaspons I bought and now know whio made them but there is almost nothing about them on the web. I've had the phone call from the market researcher which proved to be quite interesting as my experiences as a young person when Dad was a Headteacher of a boarding school which meant we lived in part of a big building and there were resident staff apparently made my answers to some of the questions about English Heritage properties rather different from the norm. I also had relatives in another part of the family who had been "in service" and I always remember what they said - they were always very positive about their jobs and the people they worked for. I did a bit of general tidying oin the back garden. Next will be tea and then more reading/TV. David
  8. WCML electrics this afternoon around Badnall Wharf, Dudswell and Hillmorton. Badnall Wharf 86127 down June 76 J5327 Dudswell Class 86 down ex pass Feb 76 C2601 Hillmorton Class 86 E3196 09.25 Liverpool - Birmingham - Euston March 67 J817 Hillmorton Class 85 Euston to North West May 72 J2949 Hillmorton Class 86 Euston to North West June 75 J4364 David
  9. A dull grey start but with a few brighter white bits in the cloud, it is supposed to stay dry except for a while around 2pm. I had a good look at my sore toe this morning and the dressing doesn't seem to be needed anymore. I shall keep an eye on it as the day progresses. Shortly it will be time for church and perhaps a walk later on. This afternoon I should receive a market research phone call about a visit I made a few weeks ago to an English Heritage property, Belsay Hall. At the end of it I shall be sent a shopping voucher as a "thank you". I have nothing else planned during the day so don't mind doing it. There might be time for some more garden jobs or I may make an attempt to see what is in the kitchen cupboards that I no longer need/want - especially the one under the sink. David
  10. A trip to see the Midland Railway Trust at Butterley this morning. The photos were taken over a number of years. Butterley Fowler 0-4-0 DM and another Aug 75 C2258 probably 20684 and 20685 from Kilvington Gypsum - thanks to sir douglas for the information. Butterley 673 and 158A 27th May 78 C3849 Butterley 4F 44027 le 1st Jan 80 C4939 Butterley breakdown crane Aug 82 C5835 Butterley Class 44 D4 Aug 82 C5848 Butterley Class 11 12077 and BR Class 5 73129 Aug 82 C5849 David
  11. The front garden has been tidied with the perennial geraniums cut back. Some of them already had new leaves developing beneath the old flower stems. Some more "almost" dead lavender has been further pruned, I think they will have to be taken out in the autumn and something new planted. I'm not sure whether to have lavender again or to try something else for a change. Some dead wood has been taken out of the roses and weeds dealt with. Since coffee time I've spent sometime reading a novel sitting in the garden which was nice. There were a number of swifts flying overhead along with the usual assorted seagulls (three species) and pigeons Then I went to see some friends nearby, we had a good chat and a cup of tea. The rest of the day will probably be more reading. David
  12. Skipton, Settle Junction and Ribblehead for this afternoon. Skipton Class 25 Class 101 Class 31 Aug 83 C6244 Skipton 70013 special to Morecambe March 68 J1235 Skipton Sta North Junction Class 5s 44899 and 45290 Special Stockport to Morecambe March 68 J1222 Settle Junction view south, A4 60019 in distance July 67 J959 Ribblehead LMS 8F 48641 down goods Sept 66 J631 David
  13. A black and white photo taken in January 1949 at Cambridge South. For some reason this print was not in as good condition as most of the others. David
  14. I've just re read my post above about dinosaurs at the garden centre. Just in case any of you think I have taken leave of my senses I should clarify it. The dinosaurs are large size replicas fitted with sound in the childrens play area. David
  15. One thing I didn't mention yesterday was the very loud noises the dinosaurs were making at the garden centre, they are in a special fenced off area which you walk by on the way to the restaurant building. As for prescriptions I usually do mine online, when you order one the date resets so the next time you look you know when the next one can be ordered. Mine is every 8 weeks, I can order when I have about 4 weeks supply left. It only takes a few minutes, then I print off the confirmation of the order and pick them up from the pharmacy three of four days later, or I can ring the pharmacy and they will deliver them, usually on the same day. If the GP prescribes something new I can usually call at the pharmacy about 30 minutes later and pick up the medication. So far today it is farily bright and pleasantly warm and dry. Today's somewhat vague plan is to potter in the garden as it is time some of the perennial geraniums were cut down to try to get them to flower again and there is the never ending dead heading and weeding. I also want to finish sorting out the seed packets to see which I may use and lose the rest - or give them to a neighbour. David
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