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New Haven Neil

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Everything posted by New Haven Neil

  1. A legs secretary sounds like a Manx role! After reading about the assignments above, I was wondering if it is actually possible to go onto further or higher education now without the internet. A bar to some mature students?
  2. Pre-painting? Is that where you look at it, and think....maybe tomorrow???
  3. DD, that's what consultation means! Soap box job, sorry....... 5c this morning on the little rock, and little else of note.
  4. Putting a little more thought into my reply now... ... I like the style of that shot, it looks as if it was snatched by a VERY surprised enthusiast who was not expecting such a combination when he saw the old girl approaching, and fumbled with his/her Box Brownie to fire off a snap..... Nice one Gilbert, and thank you.
  5. While I'm thinking about it, nice contrast in the colours of the units, on the same emulsion.....
  6. Saved me the bother, Gwiwer! The 2-EPB's only ran to South Shields, on the south side of the Tyne. That photo is priceless to me.....but I was only 1 at the time! My fantasy layout is there in colour!!!!
  7. Morning, dull 2c and damp here, looked on the webcamabob and it's snowing up the mountain. http://www.manxradio.com/webcams.aspx A centimetre of snow here certainly does cause chaos. I'm not mentioning chainsaws today. oops. Looking in estate agents windows is a harbinger of change - we've been here nearly 11 years now!
  8. Preferably with the soundtrack from the Peter Handford ARGO record. I love that.
  9. I didn't think I had either, Mr Gruff, but it is amazing what you can do! Most of my current skills owe much to the superb people I work with, one young social worker and one not so young police officer in particular. Our results speak for themselves, we take a much more pro-active approach than a UK YOT, we get involved at the first offence, not just after a Court appearance. I prefer trains though........more predictable!
  10. A day trip to York is one of the things I really miss since we came over here.... :-(
  11. Morning Over here we have very robust safeguarding procedures in place exaclty for this eventuality. We all are trained regularly in the use of them too. I work with young offenders aged 10-16 and often parenting, lack of, or abusive parenting is found to be at the root of offending behaviour. A sad, sad world. Humanity, eh! A miserable damp cold morning over here on our little rock too, although will be cheered up by lunch with a G scale trader friend who is very good company.
  12. Actually there's two.....like snakes..... Google it!
  13. MMm, it's even worse here, as snow is rare here nowadays. One flake gets the mountain road closed, which is the main route south - and our route to work. Then there are all the cars everywhere else that trip up into hedges and land upside down . It seems the Manx psyche doesn't allow for the anticipation that roads may have reduced adhesion in such conditions. #sigh#
  14. Our very best wishes and a virtual shoulder of support to those facing such trying times. Unfortunately we all have to go through this process as we age and parents/relatives/friends reach the end of their lives, but remember the good times, they are invaluable therapy. On a lighter note, a brisk 0c here too, frost again which is quite unusual here, being surrounded by relatively warm water it doesn't get too cold here as a rule. Opposite applies in the 'summer' though, the Irish Sea acts as a moderator, just like in forums and nuclear physics! Physioterrorism again today, one of the bobbys I work with is taking me down as part of his patrol, good use of resources as he has to pass me on his way to a job anyway, and the sooner I get back to work the better it is for the team. And my bank account. It also gives the neighbours something to talk about, getting into police cars.....
  15. We dumped all our printing stuff when we moved here 10 years ago - just as well by the look of it! Martin's photo of the bottles of dev and fixer certainly brought back memories though! I was never any good at it, but Mrs NHN was a dab hand - as she at one time worked in a newspaper photo lab, she should have been! Nowadays we thank our digital stars frequently.....
  16. Morning, a dull frosty one too, on Fraggle Rock. I have to agree with a lot of the above comments, as an office manager of our version of a young offenders team, I spend half of my time collating statistics and writing reports to justify our existence, rather than doing the job in the first place. Things aren;t as bed here as the uK, but it's coming - and they are busy ruining our terms and conditons too, obviosly prior to mass redundancies. As I'm not quite 54 I'm a touch too early for a decent voluntary deal, and there isn't much hope of a MARS - mutually agreed retirement. Only the high level folk seem to get the good deals, not the coal face workers. Grumpy middle aged man.
  17. Changed locos a few times! I love old films like this, reminds me of simpler times.
  18. A frosty good morning from Fraggle Rock, about 0c, clear skies and I wish I could get out there to enjoy it. Mornings like this are a joy to us live steam types, still and crispy makes for great steam effects. Physio yesterday is taking its toll this morning - 10 minutes with no resistance on the exercise bike has left me feeling like it was 100 miles. 'It's doing you good'.....harumph. To be expected I know, but still..... a good moan about it makes me feel better! Many roads in the border counties have 'squirrel bridges' to try to reduce the roadkill of the reds, sort of rope suspension bridges!
  19. I truely can't recall the moment, as it was over 31 years ago....but the fact we met through my other hobby, motorcycles, and I can fix them and many other things (dab hand at IKEA flatpacks!)helped a lot I'm sure. Deb is very tolerant, and I don't mind her hobby of charging about the countryside on 0-4-0 hayburners either, although I have no interest in them. She has standards about trains though - nothing with 'stupid little wheels' or 'long spindly chimneys' is allowed, and her all time favourites are without doubt Spam Cans. Not sure how I'm going to justify 'City of Wells' on a north-eastern layout, but I did work for 35020 'Bibby Line' in my first career so I need one of those too! I think I'm very lucky to have her as my wife of almost 29 years.
  20. Paying for that physio now...eeeoooo. There isn't a leg smilie....
  21. With respect, I think Keilder forest is possibly a LOT better!
  22. My Kiwi in-laws assure me red squirrels are extinct. Odd, because as a Geordie, I used to see loads of them in Northumberland, where the greys haven't got to. Of course they know everything, even from afar. And they wonder why we don't call so often. #sigh# (Apologies for beginning a sentence with a conjunction).
  23. I'm Back. Physio-Terrorised, and will pay for it later no doubt. Managed a few minutes on the exercise bike thing, that counts as progress. Getting very frustrated with the slow rate of progress, but that is my nature. More on Friday, pain levels permitting. Is it me (as an ex-outpatients service manager) or is it downright rude for a therapist to be continually late? He's got a 100% record so far. No excuse, as I was his first patient today. Or is it my middle age frustrated grumpyness???
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