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Everything posted by 45156

  1. Afternoon All Many pages skipped due to 522 errors - so as usual, it's only generic greetings - I feel other users frustration, and I would happily pay a small (though not to Gold level) to get a bit more server capacity or whatever it may need. Generic greetings. Warren we're all here for you whenever you need us - losing your mum is not easy, and I have been there, and done that. I found the ctber support on ERs to be comforting and helpful. Regards to All Stewart
  2. After The Love Has Gone - Earth Wind and FIre
  3. and just to finish "we are gentlemen if Japan"
  4. Morning All Warren -whilst skipping due to site outages and long waits, I did pick up that your mum didn't make it, and sincere condolences are onoffer from this quarter. Other than that. generic greetings are all I can offer - plus a hope that Andy and his techies manage to get the site stable - members can only put up with so much, and this is the best railway modelling, and also social site on the web, and I for one will try to stay with it. Fodder run done this morning, and dinner now on (cold chicken once cooked), and Lily walked by 07.00 this morning to allow for the weekly visit to Aldi or Lidl (Aldi this week - they seem to be having a lot less stock issues - I was told by one of the shift managers that as they are still having delivery issues, they are using their own lorries to get the supplies from their manufacturers - seems a good idea to me. Other than that, not all posts have been read or rated for the reasons stated above. Regards to All Stewart
  5. Afternoon All I have been absent due to various issues, and also due to the now much debated outages on here, which have been going on intermittently now for up to a week - I won't give up on it, as I do like the banter and off railways chat on here, and anyway, I was one of the very first members of both RMWeb, and also ERs - I date back to the days of LisaP4 and the original Fat Controller, as well as many old ERs who are no longer with us. Some just disappeared and we can only presume that they too are no longer with us. In those days, ERs progressed by about four or five posts a day! Anyway, for the first time since last Sunday, generic greetings are, as ever, on offer. Had a few problems with the packing and boxing up - never seen so many banana boxes in one house - probably more in the back of Morrisons or in a banana warehouse, but hey, that's the way of the moving (sometime soon never). And the stress is getting to both of us. Also there's been a few problems domestic, largely the washing machine, which seems to be taking longer and longer to complete its cycle, and seems to be having problems with balancing the load before each spin. Today's final spin took over 40 minutes before it kicked into the spin part of the cycle - should be 15 to 20 according to the user guide - and a phone call to Indesit elicited an estimated wait queue of 35 minutes. I suspect that the machine has moved - would this be a possible cause, answers on a postcard (will be quicker than answers via this site at present). The other is the microwave, which has gone dangerously rusty after about 2 years (out of guarantee, of course and I'm sure that rust would not be covered and would be put down to inadequate wiping). We wanted the same make and model, as it's cheap and we know how to work it, so don't need to sit there for hours with the control panel and user guide in the other hand. Well, this was a problem as Argos didn't have any in any colour and as it's an Argos brand, it wasn't avaible elsewhere. Well they finally came in - increased in price from £49.99 when we bought the last one to £54.99 when we were searching for it the other week - now back in stock at £63. Had to buy one as the old one is now getting dangerous. And also the Argos website does not allow to to check and reserve now - only buy on a click, pay and collect basis. Time to find a new supplier of domestic appliances, methinks Regards to All Stewart This JUST arrived in my inbox - I know there's a couple of MLT fans among us ERs.
  6. sorry - deleted - missed a page
  7. Afternoon All With the now obligatory apologies for absence due to packing, and other "legitimate" activities, which have prevented my being here as often as I'd have liked - and also many pages have been skipped - so as ever, all I can offer is generic greetings. Not a great deal to report here, but for the guitarists among us - and also the George Benson fans - here's the latest from the amazing Gabriella Quevedo Regards to All Stewart
  8. It was the same at Age UK when I did the books, and also at Oxfam (where I did the books) - at LASAR, they ran all the books through "We Buy Books" and if it was wanted, it went - all the others were sold at 50p per sackful - and the sacks had to be full. At Oxfam I specialised in the transport section, and on my first day, the manager had a pile of railway books - he suggested that I should price them using Bookfinder, but I went my own way, and priced them based on my knowledge and experience as a railway book dealer - and was right first time against bookfinder with every one. There was only one which flummoxed me, and that was a very obscure book published in New Zealand, and which we had to send off to the specialist team to be priced and put on the internet.
  9. Down The Dustpipe - Status Quo (30747 looked after Francis Rossi's kids about 30 years ago, and met him frequently)
  10. I Believe In You - Kylie Minogue
  11. I Want To Break Free - Queen
  12. Afternoon All All posts read and rated - again! Can't stand Venison - was served it once as a staff meal at a restaurant when I worked there as a waiter - we weren't told what it was. It was on the menu, but didn't sell too well - so on occasion it was palmed off on the staff - it didn't taste gamey - just off (which it probably was) - after once, I always asked and if it was venison, I didn't bother with a meal - just waited til my shift was over (usually after midnight) and had whatever I could scrape together from the fridge when I got home. 30747's teddy arrived by Hermes from the USA this afternoon - it was ordered on 30th December, so that is quite amazing service from the seller, and also the carriers. How come the roll of bubble wrap that I ordered at the same time, and coming from London has yet to arrive? As usual, generic greetings, and sympathetic vibes to Bear, it is no fun hitting one's head on anything. Not a lot to report - had to go into town, then pick up 30747 from work - she's back now after the break, so is having to take a daily up the snozz, or down the throat LFT - but her workplace has not yet had their new supply - surprise (not). Luckily we were picking them up when we were able to, and have a few packs in reserve of both types. Fodder run tomorrow - whoopidoo. Regards to All Stewart
  13. Afternoon All First off amazing news - ALL posts read and many rated - and as usual, greetings are offered to all ailing and celebrating - and welcome back to Dutch Master after a long absence. Interesting to see the reactions to my posting the videos of Emily Linge - and some have been doing some googling as well. I was not aware of her age, I just saw her as an amazing musician with an excellent voice but doing what my fellow ERs did I am amazed by her talent and potential when she is a little older. Now then (sorry - rant mode on) Went down to Lidl for 09.40 and was among the first into the store - found the microwaves, there were three on the shelf, and they were marked on the shelf edge as being microwave and grill price £69.99 - got one into my trolley, and as I was picking up the other shopping I was reading the description on the box - no mention of the grill function, so I got my brochure out and compared the model no there with the model no on the box - totally different - I rang 30747 to tell her, and another woman who was also buying must have overheard me. She sought out the assistant manager, and had him open the box to check the user guide - which he did, and concurred that there was no grill function on this model - I put mine back on the shelf, as did the assistant manager, with the open boxed item - and the third had already left the shop. Where this went wrong is that the assistant manager just put them back, did not remove the shelf edge, and also, and more importantly, did not remove the offending items from the shelf pending sorting this out with Head Office. A fairly strongly worded email has gone to Lidl. (rant mode off). Regards to All Stewart
  14. There Is A Mountain - Donovan
  15. Glass Onion - a late offering from the Liverpool lot
  16. I was hoping to post that one, Ian, but my internet went down so something a bit kitsch The Lonely Bull - Herb Albert
  17. I think that the musicianship on the former is very good, but it is, as ever a very personal thing - each to his own. Emily Linge is a very good pianist and vocalist, who can strip a song to its bare bones, and make it her own, whilst still retaining the character of the original - not an easy thing to do, and she really deserves a bit more fame than she's got - but that it true of a lot of the YouTube musicians, and sometimes they lurk there for years, until their offerings get offered by chance by the YouTube algorithm. This was the song that came up when I was listening to another Beatles offering by the Mona Lisa Twins and which added ANOTHER subscription to the scores of them that I already have. Afternoon All Well not a lot to report today - but generic greetings - I have read all posts since yesterday, and rated quite a few. Tigerburnie - just remember that we are here, and though it is a cyber friendship, it is very real, and as I can testify from my minor (in comparisn to yours) moans, how the reactions of "friendly/supportive" actually do mean something to me. Not feeling great this afternoon - was awake at 05.20 this morning, having gone to bed at about 9.30 feeling rough, and having a Q-like sleep - couple of hours, wake up, go to loo, lie awake, doze - all to 30747's dislike. Decided to do a Covid test at 05.30, just to be sure, but the up the snozz q-tip did not reveal anything nasty. Unlike 30747's niece whose husband "opted" not to have his booster, then caught it, and passed it on to niece, who only had her booster last week, so is not up to full strength immunity - and he works in peoples' houses assembling IKEA and other flat packs for those who can't or won't - I'd have thought that he would have been at the front of the queue, both to protect himself and his clients. Decided not to go into town, so the car keys will be done on Monday - have to go out tomorrow, as Lidl have some very well priced microwave grills coming in, and our just over a year old microwave only (no grill) is already going rusty, despite being wiped out every time it's used - things just aren't made well or to last nowadays - although the old maxim of buy cheap, buy twice comes to mind. Regards to All Stewart
  18. Forever In Electric Dreams - Phil Oakey
  19. Afternoon All FIrst off, not all posts read or rated - sorry, but 30747 wanted to "do the bookwork" - a weekly task which was last "done" before Christmas, so it took a while - she then wanted to "revise" all the figures for the move (they came out the same, surprise as nothing's changed), then to try to "estimate" how the final bill might look for the gas and leccy - that last was a nightmare, as the calculations of the gas are a bit tortuous, and are not on the "bill" that we get monthly, which is a joke - I eventually found the calculations of a PDF about four bills ago. Then went to watch the recording of "The Apprentice" - Chrisf how right you are - I'd have fired the lot of them, and left BBC1 with some space for some decent television (is there such a thing?). I need to go into Lancaster tomorrow morning, as the car decided to show a "fit new batteries to your key" message, so I used 30747's key which has not been used for anything other than opening the door since we got the car, and it gave the same message - I hope that Timpson do a BOGOF. Generic greetings are, as ever on offer from this quarter, and Regards to All Stewart Fans of Jazz might like this fusion of classical (Beethoven's Rondo in G Major, op129) and gypsy jazz - I think it is stunningly clever. Tomorrow, I may share a wonderful rendition of a Beatles song - ah hang it, I'll share it tonight
  20. And so is mine tnis morning - thanks
  21. Afternoon All Is anybody else on BT Mail having problems with slow loading of emails? I've had the "loading" message many times over the last two days, and cannot get through to the "Technical(ish) helpdesk. Generic greetings, as ever. FInally got an update on the house move, and "may" be on target for the end of Jaunuary - subject to the last searches and the mortgage offer. Can do nothing about the former, but have chased that latter again, and our advisor has said it's all on target. Regards to All Stewart
  22. (Somewhere) Over The Rainbow - Judy Garland
  23. Afternoon All Here is my latest acquisition - a rather nice hand made tenor Ukelele (my dog has fleas - guitarists and uke players will understand) by Barry Vernon - the same maker as one of my dreadnaught guitars. I fell in love with it yesterday, and managed to contact the seller, and to negotiate a discount, so went up to the antique centre where I picked it up this morning. All posts have been read since yesterday, and as usual, the warmest of greetings are on offer to the ailing and the celebrating. Regards to All Stewart
  24. The Boys Are Back In Town - Thin Lizzie
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