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  • Location
    Stonehouse, Gloucestershire
  • Interests
    Steam, especially WR and industrial (narrow and standard gauge).

    Classic cars (especially Land Rovers, but I drive a Morris Marina), motorbikes and heavy haulage vehicles- will be showing a Diamond T 980 and a Unipower Forester belonging to friends this year. Too many hobbies really.

    70's/ 80's music- listening to, not playing! (The Boss' new album is on as I write this).

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  1. Has bought another Marina. This is getting silly (and has blown the modelling budget for the forseeable future)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. 69843


      who's got a piano?

    3. Mallard60022


      I had a Marina Estate back in 1977. Best car I'd ever had up until then so that says something....I now have a beige Marina Saloon, in 1:76, on my layout during 70s era running. That doesn't work either!

    4. brianthesnail96


      My estate (bought because it was cheap!) got the ball rolling. I "fixed" the handling with a set of slotmags (mmm, 70's) and it's been a brilliant workhorse and refuses to die. It's being treated to a full restoration this year.

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