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Mallard60022 last won the day on June 12 2015

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  1. Presumably you mean the Vans? I don't think so Phil, but I ain't going in the Loft just now to check. I have 16 in a Rake and a couple of Kits builds and they don't fall off when being hauled. I don't shunt them. Half now have Hunts fitted anyway. P
  2. I didn't suggest the Bands would be doing 40s music. I would also point out that our locals Bands have a damn good reputation and play at all sorts of events. If a Railway were doing an event of some sort to do with local history then there are several Railways that would welcome such Bands. I'm not sure that you have understood what we are talking about on here. P
  3. I'd have a couple of those; crafty wire-holder loop piece too. Phil
  4. Class comments. Thank you. Again, class comments and thanks to you. I believe that a Heritage Railway should concentrate on being just that and maybe celebrate its local heritage a lot more. Going way back I think it was Andy or Phil said Toilets and Ice Cream for the Normals? From my experience of working at Kingscote Station in the 90s, then the northern Terminus on the Bluebell and the Watercress as a general Litter Picking, people greeting dogsbody, yup, that was the priority for the 'Normals' along with 'what's happening? Many heritage Lines often struggle to provide these things because the main volunteer base has little or no interest in the punters! Phil
  5. Nobody was suggesting Councils bought in Bands. The Cost of a 'Colliery' Band up here is covered by income from an event and or some input from the Council. On a Heritage Railway that cost would be factored into the overall cost of the event as a one off at sometime. Fortunately in the North, Bands rarely have to travel far, are well managed, well Directed and win National competitions so aren't just some raggle - tag bunch. They often provide a free service (or friendly drinks and refreshments) for something like a Remembrance Service. Phil
  6. Brilliant. That's the sort of Stuff. I think everyone likes a Brass Band regardless of age. Splendid choices by the way. Phil
  7. It is possible to recreate a 40s Wartime theme with the Home Front only and loads of appropriate Civilian stuff going on. I think the things "from the actual back of Granny's Wardrobe" are long gone, except for costumes and re-enactors' gear (fancy dress?) If I were going to one of these things I'd be happy to spend time looking at Vehicles, machines, items and chatting with authentic re-enactors. If the Railway is in an Industrial area and Countryside such as the K & WVR there could be appropriate displays at each end, including Farming Stuff perhaps? If it's like the Bluebell and all in the Countryside, how about just post war with picnics and some Holiday Specials and maybe some Troops etc arriving home, or just waving out the Windows at people around, going to the Pub and then some dancing etc. Good old JIve and Dance Band stuff and PLEASE, not Vera Lynn but Andrews Sisters or similar! Maybe even some informal games like Cricket or Rounders? Galas and Carnival. However, at East Grinstead was the pioneer Burns Unit Hospital...that still exists. Without showing dreadful injuries that could be part of the event with some folk arriving and being Ambulanced away/back again. Just leave out the strutting about like Colonel Blimp and any emphasis on weapons. Leave those for other places such as Museums and special displays. In no way am I saying don't do a 40s thing, but remember the War in Europe finished in 1945. After that there was some really vile stuff still going on overseas, however let it be a recount of recovery and moving on in the UK eh? 1948 and all that; as someone mentioned, NHS, Railway Nationlisation. There are so many ways to celebrate our History during Railway Times, rather than re-enact times of conflict and worry. Coronations, Royal Visits, Weddings and booze ups! Could still have some Aeroplanes, but maybe on display on the ground? Plenty of stuff. Just needs some 'young bloods' that didn't grow up on War Comics and John Wayne's version of War (me)! Phil
  8. History of warfare, not just written by the victors and in correct context, including the horrors of conflict, on Civilians as well as the Service Personnel, is very much needed. Pantomime events aren't really that educational unless there is a serious display and commentary. Phil
  9. Paignton, but it isn't a Depot. North Yorkshire Moors at Whitby. Shildon? NRM.
  10. All those posh Cars in Widnes = Footballers Wives? I am sure Widnes is a lovely place however I have never knowingly been there. After these comments I may well make the effort. Live long and prosper. Phil
  11. Actually I'm guilty of being way off Topic, but yes, agreed.
  12. Having read 31A's post (thanks matey), I now see the situation. OK going for the day alone and taking (say) 2 full line return Journeys and a few shorter returns; £50 is great value. However staying locally and just visiting, the two Station Option return seems fair. I'm probably living in the past re Fares but this has brought me up to date. The only other comment I'd make is that could there be a 'Local's incentive Fare' based on some sort of Post Code evidence? That could include local Holiday addresses (Air B&B, Hotel, Self Catering etc)? Phil
  13. ICBA to check but has the OP posted again? Any thanks for the info for example? I'd think if I was asking and got many answers I'd hide the thread (can't delete them these days?) or ask for the thing to be locked as 'discussion' so often wanders off into a different Universe and wastes space. (see what I didn't do very well there?) Phi
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