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dave flint

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Status Replies posted by dave flint

  1. After trying & failing to come up with something to model i have finally found inspiration in Manchester Oxford Rd station & hopefully it will fit into a 6 x 3 board!

    1. dave flint

      dave flint

      you'd best be quick. They're altering the furniture on the platfroms, and the old 60's seats are going....

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. is wondering if he should entrust the restoration of his car to a man whose naked photo can be viewed on Farcebook :-O

    1. dave flint

      dave flint

      Really ! Man alive. Mind you, if his big end is any good then he might do a good job on yours. Can you see his clevis pin ?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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