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Blog Entries posted by ahardy

  1. ahardy
    Another update for anyone who may be looking at this...
    Well Nellie's shed is now finished with a few more details added and given a name. Once installed on the future layout I plan to add some lighting and a smoke generator in the floor so when the loco is parked inside, steam can ooze around it. Photo attached.
    Two more items of rolling stock have also arrived. The first is a standard open wagon, fitted with a temp barrell load. The second is a flatbed waggon, converted by the workshops into a sleeper. Few more details etc to add, but getting there.
    Work will continue on Wylam's Wonkey Waggon Works next, followed by a potential power generation building complete with beam engine.
    Any thoughts, comments or questions are more than welcome.
  2. ahardy
    Well I thought it was about time that I posted something on here again.
    As some of you know, I work in the world of museum conservation and am lucky enough to have a job at the NRM. I get to work with a whole range of objects from the large locos right down to some tiny items such as models.
    I always enjoy the very fine work in the studios and it has led to me and a colleague to conversations about small model making (he builds models of a non railway variety) and this lead onto me showing him some T Gauge Videos on Youtube. A challenge as thence issued asking if I could be a "serious" model railway, as detailed as possible of an British prototype.
    This set me thinking, could I?
    I decided to have a crack and firstly re-scaled a small goods building that I printed at home and assembled, below is the finished item....

    It does not look to small in that images, so I better show you it next to a 1p coin....

    Now the problem next was what to run on the railway, as all the units were Japanese prototypes. There are now a few British bits available, mainly an HST and a few diesels, but I fancied something older. Well today in the post from Shapeways came my GWR diesel railcar body. This fits on a Japanese 103 unit mechanism that had been stripped down this morning...

    The body recieved some primer followed by a coat of cream for the upper body panels, although my camera has made it look white!


    Next job is to add the grey roof, and brown sides, followed by darkening the window recesses and a dab of gold for the monogram logo...
    Next stop is a few more buildings, the eventual plan is a 6ft layout where the railway very much runs through the scenery. A single track branchline with a GWR railcar..
    Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear your thoughts.
  3. ahardy
    Hi All,
    This is the first blog post thingy from me. Anway, some of you will know that I recently built a Smallbrook Studios kit of Rowland Emetts "Nellie". This kit has been one of the most enjoyable I have built and led me onto thinking about building a layout to run it on. Before I start commiting myself to the layout (which will be called Wylam's Wonkey Waggon Works) I thought I best start with a few buildings to see if my scratch building (and imagination) are up to it!
    Obviously, Nellie needs a shed to live in. As such I have built a small loco shed. Its not quite finished, as there are some details to add, along with a weather vane of a witches and the name "Black Cat Workshop" or similar. I quite enjoyed making the "Beware of the Trains" sign.
    Anyway, here are a couple of photos of the loco and the shed. More to follow once it is complete. Next on the build list is a water column, and the waggon works.




    Many thanks
  4. ahardy
    Hi all,
    Another update with some bits and pieces I have been working on. As part of my propsed Emett style layout I fancied a wagon works. This would not be moddeled as a full building, but just part, allowing vehicles to be shunted into the building and fiddle yard ready for repairs etc etc.
    Anyway, off I went thinking about its construction. Looking at Emetts drawings I realised that mixing components from different scales may work, along with steep pitched roofs etc. Anyway I trundeled off into town for a think. I had a look in a local dolls house shop and started looking at the range of fittings etc, particularly windows. Several were bought (some have since been used in the Engine Shed) along with some brick paper. After a sketch on the back of an envelope I formulated a plan.
    So fare the shell of the building has been made from thin MDF offcuts and blasa stuck with a hot glue gun. Holes for the windows were cut and the hole lot covered in some brick paper as seen in the photo below...

    The roof is being made from scored MDF sheets, again intended for the dolls house trade, but look ideal here. Gutters, down pipes, doors, signage etc will be added next.
    Also, I decided that Nellie's little side tanks would not hold much water and that she would need a water column. The photo below shows my first attempt, made from brass tube and wire, along with beads obtained from a local custom jewlary shop. Its all a little of square and not straight, all of which is intended for a slightly obsecure look. Once painted and fitted with a handwheel, bag and chain I plan to put H2O on the left hand ball.

    Hope you enjoy. Any questions or comments, please feel free to ask. I really hope to get on with a layout in the not too distant future, and would love to get it on the exhibition circuit as something different.
    Next update will include some more rolling stock kits which arrived yesterday, and further details on the buildings.
    Andy H
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