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  1. Just bought a second hand 505 upgraded to 511 with 5 amp transformer for £155 off the bay and must say very pleased. I don't have locos with sound or lights, just basic DCC concepts chips. I hate the cheap plastic feel of some other DCC controllers, Dynamis with all its probs, Gaugemaster 2 so plasticlike TV remote! Love the metal, built to last, real feel ZTC. Don't want my railway computerized with a laptop. Can't see any reason to upgrade.
  2. What about the Grayham Farish ones in OO? Different windows but not sure about the underframe?
  3. Ended up on Bachmanns own forum page, signed up for it and then could not post my grumbles because its a read only forum!
  4. Off to check lighting in shed today to see if Dynamis works better, meanwhile I have been looking at some depth at the other options. Well working ok now even with the lights on. Only thing is the directional nature of the receiver, I have it one end of a 12 foot long layout and if facing the wrong way I get 0 signal pick up. It is a pity you can not use the extra signal receiver without a pro box.
  5. May seem a dumb question but is MRC kit the same as gaugemaster only in the USA?
  6. Having same issues with my starter one, had it only 6 months, was fine, now failing to send a signal to box unless I put it very close and shake it. Also engines stop at each end with no apparent reason for it, on comes the stop button symbol, reset and off we go. In a shed at bottom of garden with insulated walls and tin foil under the roof on one side which was added to try and reflect summer heat from the sun. I have strip lights and a heater. Of course extention comes from house with Talk Talk router etc etc. Gonna change to Guagemaster Prod 2 I think. Pity they have to make them look like a 1950's dc controller though??? It's 2014!
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