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Posts posted by westernglory

  1. Yes there will. Whilst V3 is written i am looking to source more photos and can add additional comments. The plan is to fit into the Lightmoor publishing timetable when it can. It may not make the end of 2018 but early 2019. this is yet to be determined but i will provide updates when known Freddie

    I understand from Lightmoor that Volume 3 is now due late next year (2019). 

  2. Used to do Warley regularly when living in the Midlands, but since I moved down to Somerset I haven't been. I was planning on gong this year, but then a chance to do the Brit (Oliver Cromwell) tour to Chester on Saturday was to good to turn down (an excellent tour by the way - a super loco). Ah well, there's always Sunday. Then Cross Country suffers from strike action which makes that option unreliable - so it was a 'no show' from me........


    Now where am I?   must catch up with ER........





  3. Morning one and all.


    Somerset is bright, dry and not windy this morning - the exact opposite of yesterday!  I feel for those of you having to battle rising water and trust that your situation(s) become less fraught.


    Sold an item on eBay last night, so will be off in search of packing materials and then a Post Office .....:-(    and then it will be Caffe Nero for the 'usual'


    The steam tour to Chester looms ever larger in the diary, but alas Sunday's trip to the NEC has almost certainly been scuppered by Cross Country Trains strike action. Damn and blast!


    Have a good one everybody.....



  4. Greetings from a grey Somerset,


    I hope that everyone slept well...What a good way to wake up the grey matter, a list of cars owned.......


    Blue Mk 1 Ford Escort - FOL 270 L


    White Mk 2 Ford Escort - LOV 835 P


    White Ford Capri - UOF 853 S  (lovely car but poor handling)


    Vauxhall Astra - JUW 591 W  - awful


    Red Ford Escort 1.6 Ghia - A 950 XWB - the engine blew up on the way home from a job interview....


    Silver Ford Orion 1.6 Ghia - the reg of which escapes me....E something....


    Blue - Peugeot 405 diesel - L 705 ONN - a bit of a plodder.....


    Blue - Toyota Celica - MW 54 VHZ


    Red - Seat Leon 1.6 - BD 57 VHR


    and the current one Yellow Seat Leon Cupra (aka the Yellow Peril) - a super car....


    Off to Exmouth today, by Yellow Peril ?    Nah, GWR HST and then unit thing......


    Keep well everyone..;-)



    ....and the silver Orion?   E 315 CVH......


    Yay - a full house (seems I'm not alone)....:-)


    Hope today's going well..



    • Like 12
  5. Greetings from a grey Somerset,


    I hope that everyone slept well...What a good way to wake up the grey matter, a list of cars owned.......


    Blue Mk 1 Ford Escort - FOL 270 L


    White Mk 2 Ford Escort - LOV 835 P


    White Ford Capri - UOF 853 S  (lovely car but poor handling)


    Vauxhall Astra - JUW 591 W  - awful


    Red Ford Escort 1.6 Ghia - A 950 XWB - the engine blew up on the way home from a job interview....


    Silver Ford Orion 1.6 Ghia - the reg of which escapes me....E something....


    Blue - Peugeot 405 diesel - L 705 ONN - a bit of a plodder.....


    Blue - Toyota Celica - MW 54 VHZ


    Red - Seat Leon 1.6 - BD 57 VHR


    and the current one Yellow Seat Leon Cupra (aka the Yellow Peril) - a super car....


    Off to Exmouth today, by Yellow Peril ?    Nah, GWR HST and then unit thing......


    Keep well everyone..;-)



    • Like 12
  6. Morning chaps,


    I hope all is well with one and all?  (and should that not be the case, then I hope that it becomes so)....


    My inbuilt 6 a.m. alarm has been playing up lately - 8.15 on Saturday, where did that come from?  (missed the Pershore auction as a result - but then again saved some £££s)....will need to be more organised at the weekend - steam tour on Saturday and NEC on Sunday...;-)


    In the meantime, a quiet week beckons....


    Whatever you do, do it good and well....



  7. Good morning all, where did everyone go yesterday?  ;-)


    To Rick, Simon and Barry - my thoughts are with you......


    The painter duly came yesterday and even in undercoat, the front door looks much improved - thought - leave it in undercoat and halve the bill?  No, I thought not. Top coat today then....


    We thought that Team 'Five + 2 halves' (aka Desperados) had duly won the quiz last night - 37/40 is not to be sneezed at - until the usual suspects came in with 38  .......Darn and blast...:-)   Nice to see that the 'Yummy Mummies' (and some were), scoop the separate Dead or Alive £150 jackpot on the adjacent table though.....


    May pop down to Norton Fitzwarren later to see one of those new fangled jobs en route Pz...


    Have a good one...



    • Like 16
  8. Afternoon all.....


    So, it goes like this. Doctor - come in. How are you? I’m fine (aren’t I?). Yes, you ARE fine. 99% certain that you are clear. We will remove 'Lumpy' just to be 100%. So life returns to normal. Thank you sincerely for all of the good and positive wishes. Each one helped enormously.


    ....and even the M5 played ball both ways today....doesn't get much better......;-)

    • Like 7
  9. Morning all,


    A bit grey down here too.....


    The M5 towards Bristol beckons today - results of a biopsy at Southmead, to ascertain what may (or hopefully may not) be lurking within that fatty lump (lipoma) - there was something on the scan that has aroused their suspicions....ho hum - let's be positive shall we.....;-).....


    Whatever we're doing, let's do it well.





  10. Good morning all from a bright, but doubtless chilly Somerset.......I hope all is well with you...


    Came back yesterday from a pleasant visit to Croyde Bay and immediate surrounds. First time there, but won't be the last, even if the weather didn't exactly play ball. 10,000+ steps each day according to the phone app, so we didn't exactly sit in the bar all the time! 


    Our food supplies need replenishing today, so Sainsbury's appears on the agenda this morning - as does Nero....


    Tomorrow Southmead, Bristol beckons for results of the biopsy......keeping positive....


    Have a good one folks - whatever you're up to...



    • Like 4
  11. Looks a bit grey, wet and gloomy down 'ere at Croyde - was like that last night, and it's still the same..- what to do?  Breakfast, full English for starters. Discovered a super indoor market at Barnstaple en route yesterday, one or two bits and bobs purchased......a thriving little town - so it seems........


    Whatever you guys are up to today, do it well and enjoyably.


    Now, where's my sou'wester,,,,,,



    • Like 16
  12. With biopsy results due next Tuesday, a rather busy week of socialising has been welcomed. Today, we're off to Croyde Bay for a weekend catch-up with friends with whom we hope to visit Canada next year. The weather looks non too promising, (especially tomorrow) so we may have to take shelter in the bar, and consolation in a beer or three.....


    Take it easy......


    Steve  (thinking of Debs. - that won't be easy)

    • Like 3
  13. Good morning to one and all from a not so sunny Somerset. Looks grey outside and wouldn't be surprised to see rain, although haven't looked at the 'app' yet.


    Just back from a very pleasant couple of days with friends who live in Exmouth - lovely. They enjoy their walks, and they have plenty to go at - but back to back 5 mile walks both days over rugged countryside have the lower limbs complaining just a little this morning ;-)   They'll be fine though, and would do it all again.......Didn't find (or even go looking for) the model shop in the town - nor the Nero, but doubtless it can be done again now we know our way around.....


    In the meantime, I trust that everyone is well, and that you have a day which exceeds expectations....as they say.....:-)



    • Like 17
  14. Good morning all, just been having a scroll through this thread - and what a pleasant and gentle introduction to the day it is. By means of introduction, I am fortunate to live in a lovely corner of Somerset - not a million miles from the WSR. I model (late) WR steam and (mainly) early diesel hydraulics on a branch line setting - plenty of work to be done on the layout yet though.....


    The sun's out today, but it looks chilly. Sainsbury's beckons this morning, doubtless followed by a visit to Caffe Nero for "the usual Steve?".......


    Keep well, cheerful and happy modelling!



    • Like 19
  15. A question for 'Western' fans - what's that square box structure on the cab front of D1071, below the handrail? It appears on both my pics of this loco in 1974 and 1975. Some sort of ventilator?




    You've answered your own question Trevor. It is a cab ventilator. Locos fitted were D1012, D1028, D1039, D1056 and D1071.

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