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Everything posted by cornamuse

  1. And now in green... Brunswick green, not khaki - see rule 1! I am really pleased with how the rivets look, too, even though they are a bit big.
  2. I'm cutting card- and could maybe make the files PDF if that helps? Likewise available to anyone else on here.. not much use to me at that scale!
  3. Wow amazing! I have tried to make my files for my 7mm coach work in 4mm... but the cutter isn't happy at the 0.5mm it needs to be. Would your laser cutter do it? Can it read silhouette files?
  4. And now... I bring you Elvis the Turtle! Rather tempted to leave it there; never had a bling loco before! The rivets are a bit big and not entirely accurately placed, but anyone bothered by that will already have given up looking at my models!
  5. And now with a roof. I thought this would be a nightmare, but the 3 laminations of card held the curve nicely on their own once the glue was dry. The roof ends are about 8 layers thick to provide a good thick edge for glueing. The roof supports are an inverted u to increase strength.
  6. Mr Edwardian sir- should you happen to be passing close to north road station some time, I have some 00 Victorian figures that need a home. Possibly a couple of chaldron waggons too... any use?
  7. So onto the curves... a pain to form from 3 layers - inside 2 narrower to form a lip to increase the strength of the join. And now mounted on the chassis, being inspected by the increasingly notorious Willy Dribble. What does it say about me that my only figure is usually to be found using the urinals?
  8. Have already had a go in 7mm scale- oddly, I find it more forgiving than this scale as you can just imply detail... and the panels can be made of thin card. On this I am using 4 laminations to make panels 2mm thick. Sturdy, by a pain to form to a nice curve!
  9. Latest insanity... tin turtle in 16mm scale http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/133008-16mm-scale-tin-turtle/
  10. Latest insanity here- a tin turtle... http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/133008-16mm-scale-tin-turtle/
  11. So, here we go... another card loco! This time in 16mm scale on 45mm track (wrong gauge I know, but needs must). The tin turtle is from WW1, used in the trenches. This will be entry level, easy, cheap and hopefully rather robust as it is to be used by my 6yo. The parts are being designed and cut on my silhouette cutter- basically making a kit of parts then building them. Cheap plastic wheels and a basic motor may/may not be linked to a cheap radio control unit. This is the chassis: Out for a run, pushing a rather bright carriage based on the Ffestiniog work men's open ones. Now the visible chassis which will have the body built on it- the basic running chassis could be used for all sorts... Next stage will be all those lovely curves and many many tiny crafting gems that make good rivets in this scale.
  12. Yes please- I would be able to get away with no25's - anyone counting rivets near my models is in for a busy time
  13. My next leading question would be- how easy would it be to rescale the wheels to 7mm scale?
  14. Would derwent's wheels be the same size as locomotion'? It would improve my model no end and make duplicating it easier, too...
  15. Would a 4mm rocket or locomotion be a suitable stand in in an emergency? Locomotion would need some work, mind, but rocket is ready to roll, literally
  16. Very nice- the only bit of reality in my model
  17. Thank you, Mr Edwardian Progress is very slow, caused by health and a sudden deviation into building the large scale narrow gauge and a mechanical organ Gainford spa is waiting for a few details, as well as the extension so that stuff can actually run! I have been enjoying watching your constructions- superb work! If you find yourself in Darlington, please pop in for a cuppa!
  18. Been busy on a few other projects, but some progress has now been made- I decided the corner stones needed to be much heavier, after looking at the original. So, out with the egg boxes to create some nice deep stones with a rough, textured finish, not unlike the originals. Then, on with a base coat to kill the white, soften the darker colours and lose the writing on the egg box card. It will form the mortar colour and the basic render colour. Amazingly, the relief shows up much better after a coat of paint too!
  19. Update on very slow progress... Layers being built up with cereal box card and mounting board. Very quickly being built up in to quite a thickness.
  20. So... The madness continues: This is the slow but steady progress on my homage to Hopetown carriage works (on the same site as North Road Station in Darlington). They are some of the earliest such buildings in the world, fitting in with my seriously pre-grouping tendencies. The carriages were worked on in each wing, the completed vehicle exiting through the central door, presumably onto a wagon turntable- which will be featuring on the model. Not sure if the door and turntable will operate, but it is a nice thought! The marking out has been fun, especially the stones over the arch. The front is all layers, as per all my models; windows will be made using my card cutter, helping give a nice uniform result. All done using foamboard and mounting board. The details will be thinner card. Edit: Forgot to add that the small controller, a very discerning modeller, looked at it and declared that it looked just like the roman milecastle we built not long ago. He is actually spot on- a dead ringer for something that would have graced Hadrian's Wall
  21. Thank you! Well spotted- I was intending an isolating switch- might now be on off for sound...
  22. Finally got round to finishing the basic detailing inside the station- going to put it to bed for a bit and work on other aspects of the layout (and the 7mm one (and the Saxon village with my small human )). The waiting room Ticket office Through the window Just noticed the absence of door knobs
  23. Not much progress- but here we go- some work on the waiting room. Maybe I should be doing dolls' houses
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