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Status Updates posted by Caledonian

  1. After avoiding such nonsense for as long as I've been modelling I appear to have assembled a GWR collection in a fit of inattention

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Been there, you're not alone. Welcome to the club.

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      We welcome converts.

    4. Compound2632


      All things in moderation. Given your nom-de-forum, I'll take it you're sitting a Dean single alongside No. 123 and saying to yourself "no comparison".

  2. Feeling chuffed after stripping down the motor of a Mainline J72, cleaning if, figuring out where all but one of the little bits should go when reassembling and then finding the whole thing runs as smoothly as modern models.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Caledonian


      Oh yes indeedee. Pawing about amidst the dog hair on the carpet was fun.

    3. Sasquatch


      There's me thinking the Mainline J72 was the first of all modern models?


    4. Caledonian


      Its probably got a pretty good claim to it and the body-shell can still hold its ow, but now I've cleaned it thoroughly [look Ma, no soldering] it not only runs well but doesn't smell of burning motor.

  3. Gave way to by my baser urges and abolished British Railways. Spent day repainting and renumbering most stock as LNER or pooled stock and transferred 16T minerals to NCB

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Guess that narrows you down to 1947 then.

    2. DCB


      Don't think there were any NCB 16t minerals in 1947 surely the railway executive "owned" the pooled stock so post 1940 16T minerals would be branded in Railway co (probably LNER) livery. Its like running kings and Merchant Navies together, it only happened a hand full of times.

  4. I finally managed to fix my L&Y Pug so that it runs reliably, smoothly and nearly silently. I just wish I knew how I did it.

    1. Horsetan


      You'll be spending a lifetime looking for the answer now...

    2. Caledonian


      Perhaps I should take up Zen

    3. Horsetan


      Zen and the Art of Locomotive Maintenance. There's an idea for a book...

  5. Finally fixed my L&Y Pug to move reliably, smoothly and quietly. I wish I knew how I did it.

  6. Finally fixed my L&Y Pug to move reliably, smoothly and quietly. I wish I knew how I did it.

  7. Decided to fix a dodgy turnout on the loft layout and ended up scrapping the whole thing, so its down to playing on the mini one downstairs - just as well I rebuilt it the other day

  8. Swifts are back in the loft again so its just the shunting plank for the next couple of months

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