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Blog Entries posted by Kelly

  1. Kelly
    So I have a small number of Dapol/Airfix plastic kits. One of a BoB, a few of mineral wagons, some tank wagons and other assorted ones. Think theres a Schools in there somewhere too.
    The BoB isn't going to be anywhere near as good as Hornby's current model, but I had the thought that it could well be usable to make up as a loco being taken to scrap without connecting rods and other bits. Could be an interesting challenge to model. It would also be just in the right era too for the Chilmark inspired layout.
    A train of a few old locos destined to become tincans trundling past forelornly could work out well perhaps?
    First I'll get on with building the Parkside CCT vans I have though.
    Before that I need tea!
  2. Kelly
    Has been a while since I last visited the site. Other things and my health have kept me occupied really. Health has been very poor over the last 6 months.
    Am still going to exhibitions with Natalie when i/we can manage it. The last one being the Leamington Spa & Warwick MRS Show at the NAC, Stoneleigh, which we both enjoyed a lot.
    As well as that we went along to the LWMRS open day at their club rooms and had a very good, interesting day out there. We both left feeling like we'd join up and go along when money/time/health permits for each of us, etc.
    I am still planning on doing the 'Chilmark' MoD/Military layout, as well as developing the Lillie Bridge diorama idea into a small layout. The Lillie Bridge one may come about first. But more planning and research is needed on both still.
  3. Kelly
    Still recovering from Saturday, but a fantastic day it was! Photos are edited and online. Video to follow later.
    Been discussing West Cromwell Road (name for 2011 Challenge entry) more with Natalie, so a finalised trackplan and arrangement has been worked out with the aid of old stock and track to get impression of what fits etc.
    More work on track plan for the narrow gauge and standard gauge military layout, which is still without a name, continues also. I think the trackplan is almost sorted now, with a few minor details to figure out. Then it'll be onto making some kind of start hopefully.
    Have decided to get some Styrofoam to have a play with to see how it works for a base, will probably use it for the diorama initially and go from there.
    As halfwit predicted my workbench didn't stay tidy for long, especially as I came back from Natalie's with yet another Mainline Warship that was found in the cupboard (that makes 3 blue D827s! and a green one)... Eventually the two here will end up both as D827, one in Maroon the other in blue with full yellow ends.
    Also picked up a set of 3 Corgi cars, HA Viva, Ford Anglia and a Morris Minor.
    Am tired and sore, especially after I slipped and fell down Natalie's stairs Saturday evening!
  4. Kelly
    Decided to download Inkscape and have a go drawing a full plan. It is still rather rough and still needs more thought, but I think its starting to give an idea of whats what and where etc.
    Added a road section to allow lorries to load/unload from the transship shed as well as a tank/truck/vehicle ramp for loading/unloading onto trains etc.
  5. Kelly
    ... by that I mean i've cleared space off of my desk enough to have a work area at last!
    Now to decide what to do with the space... (box in left corner is full of plastic kits (mostly Dapol/ex-airfix))...
  6. Kelly
    As well as the narrow gauge module, there will be the depot/transfer shed module.
    A rough outline of which i've drawn below:

    Unsure whether it will stay quite like that, I may take one of the storage sidings (with blast shields) out and the engine shed perhaps.
    So things are starting to get an image forming of how things will be laid out I think. Still very rough atm, not sure really on what buildings would fit.
    Then theres the selection of stock that will be needed. Need to do some research on this, but certainly Q1, Merchant Navy, West Country will featue as well as probably Maunsell and Bulleid coaching stock and warflats/warwells.
    Need to think first what traffic might be seen going to or past the depot. Certainly high explosives and other munitions.
    Considering having the depot as a storage/transfer location for military vehicles such as trucks and tanks to add extra traffic options.
  7. Kelly
    So, firstly Taunton
    Wonderful event, glad I went. Long tiring drive there (for me 100+ miles is very tiring and painful), but by the time to go came, I left with a feeling that it was all very much worth it!
    Having better access to the layouts to actually see them working and admire the handiwork of those who have lovingly created them was the best aspect. Shows such as Ally Pally and so on are great, but the sheer number of people who go means actually seeing and admiring or talking to the people who built/operate said layouts is often simply impossible, even for me being 6ft tall and wielding my walking stick!
    So with being able to get better looks at some layouts I'd admired pretty recently on this site and others, and to complement the owners of the layouts and get a good look at them (never any substitute for seeing it in the flesh as it were imo!). The other layouts that were there were equally good to see, especially the 2mm efforts and the array of Southern stock and locos on show. I wants me one of them Golden Arrow Leader kits I do.
    Came away with some idea and some inspiration.
    Previously I had never really paid much attention to certain layout types/subjects, not often because I viewed them in a poor light, but simply because they didn't appeal my tastes and fighting the crowds to see didn't appeal and a cup of tea and painkillers appealed more so. This was certainly very true of 2mm layouts, as I found them too small for me to consider working in such a scale.
    So it was very nice to get a very good look at some rather excellent 2mm layouts on display at Taunton. Got a chance to discuss various aspects of 2mm modelling, which was very welcome as I'd decided about that time on the 3rd module for the layout plan I'm working with Natalie on.
    Was lovely to meet various members of this site and put a real face to a name, etc.
    A big thank you to all of those of the SWAG group for putting on such a wonderful show.
    Now if only there were a West Midlands AG to do something similar? ...

    I will later look through the photos I (and Natalie) took, clean then up a little, resize and upload them on this site. I think next week I shall order a gorilla pod + adapter for smartphones to better be able to balance/steady phone when using it as a camera. It certainly has proven so far to be better than the Sony digital compact camera I have and as I cannot afford a better quality compact or a DSLR camera will have to suffice for the foreseeable future!
    A small selection of photos from Taunton are attached below:
    Elm Park

    Elm Park again

    Catcott Burtle

    And showing what can be done in 2mm!

    They're unedited, but reduced in size. Will be cleaning up and uploading the rest of the photos I took and Natalie took sometime later.

    The layout with no name
    So, the reason I was glad I saw so much of the 2mm layouts up close? well I decided then that I'd reevaluate to some extent how the layout in planning (and currently with no name) with Natalie would consist of at least 3 modules, as follows:
    Narrow Gauge layout module, with small simple plan leading to storage bunkers.
    Standard gauge and narrow gauge layout module with standard gauge MOD depot and narrow gauge leading off of transfer shed to narrow gauge layout module
    Mainline (Salisbury) and exchange sidings to MOD depot module.

    As yet it has no name. But it is inspired by RAF Chilmark and based currently on a plan of Dean Hill. The plan is to do the NG module first, as a simpler introduction to the concepts involved in building a layout as this will be my first one I've ever attempted.
    The idea is to have all 3 modules able to:

    Work independently
    Work together as a single layout
    Be DCC controlled
    Have interchangeable (except NG) fiddle yards to save construction thereof.

    Speaking of fiddle yards. I have currently in my head the crazy idea to have a rat run going underneath the main module to link fiddle yards at either end of the mainline module. Thus needing a stacker module for the fiddle yards so they can go up/down between the levels. How well this might work in practice is another idea, but I have (with Natalie's help) uncovered prior work on this type of thing by the likes of Iain Rice.
    More later when I've had time to have a cup of tea and rest some more as I am still tired from yesterdays excursion!
  8. Kelly
    Tomorrow sees Natalie and myself heading down to Taunton for the members day. Very much looking forward to it, will be first time I've been to one as well. Looking forward to seeing various items people have said they're taking.
    Recently I've been inspired a little to think of a very small format layout other than the Chilmark or Hilsea ideas that myself and Natalie are going to be working on. [Hillsea is Natalie's layout plan/idea, I was getitng myself confused].
    I've come up with a few possibilities:

    Some kind of small London Underground layout, using some of the EFE stuff and a yellow battery loco for other traffic, undecided on whether surface stock/deep tunnel or cut & cover, but something that does appeal as the layouts of similar scenarios at the Acton open days I've seen have been very pleasing to the eye personally.
    Some kind of industrial layout, possibly narrow gauge. This partly inspired by Mr Nevard's layouts of a similar theme and Claverton Engineering equally has inspired me.

    There were a few other possibilities I came up with, but think the above are the most likely to keep my interest.
    Other things I've been giving thought to recently having been creating a semi-scratch build Bulleid 4DD unit. Possible ways I'm thinking of are either self-etching or using plasticard or card to do the sides. The biggest hurdle being the curvature of the roof. More research is likely needed, but I shouldn't have much issue getting hold of some plans I suspect. At present it is a bit of a 'mad cap' brain idea and may well be ages before I attempt any kind of build of such a unit.
    One way I was thinking was using something like old Lima Mk1s as base donor vehicles and then making the sides and ends (and roof) on top of the floorpan and then changing bogies/under equipment. But again haven't thought much of it in much detail yet.
    Think I'll leave it there as my brain is craving more Earl Grey!
  9. Kelly
    Seems I got a little confused previously. The chilmark based layout is to be a joint effort between myself and Natalie. Natalie has taken the rough plan I did and reworked it (see attachment).
    Its starting to come together I think now.
    Thinking of '39-'45 or early/mid 50s or maybe mid-late 60s as era.
    Attached image done by Natalie. Thanks!
  10. Kelly
    Whilst searching for more info on RAF Chilmark for a layout plan I'm thinking about I came across the following:
    RAF Chilmark visit by 28dayslater site
    Another visit report
    The photos show some interesting aspects of the Narrow Gauge railway in the facility.
    Not sure I'll model the NG stuff, but interesting non-theless.
  11. Kelly
    Had a play with AnyRail just now to put together a rather rough idea of the trackplan.
    Its pretty simple. The idea that it'll be in two phases.
    Phase One:
    Exchange sidings + Exeter mainline
    Phase Two:
    Chilmark Depot
    Still rather rough and might well change depending upon input from Natalie who I'm liaising with on this.
    The nice thing about the area/plan is that it allows for similar stock to be used on this layout and the one Natalie and me are planning together (Hilsea/Portsmouth), which might cut down on costs a little. Again subject to change.
  12. Kelly
    Having discussed a little with Natalie possible locations to model, I think a WW2 or 1960s transitional era Chilmark based layout might well meet my needs.
    Will need to do more research when time permits, but from looking at the plan Natalie showed me seems to be small enough and with enough interest for me to be interested in doing it.
  13. Kelly
    I've been wanting to make a start with making brass (and white metal) kits, and theres been a lot of helpful suggestions on the forum here - thanks! - but I'm wondering if it might be better to start getting some scraps of brass sheet and try my hand soldering that rather than risking a kit for a first attempt.
    So have a sort of shopping list forming:

    Soldering Iron (have an 18W Antex CS) - 15W and 25W (£13 for Antex XS25 from Rapid Electronics) should cover it? or 15W overkill? any higher than 25W needed I wonder?
    Solder - 140/188 i believe? and 70 for white metal
    flux - phospher?
    Brass strip
    White metal - can you get seperate bits of it to try with?

  14. Kelly
    So, in the last post I caught up a bit with what was planned and what had stalled plans etc.
    I've been researching baseboard construction recently and come up with a couple of ideas now as a result.
    Construction methods:
    i'm suspecting I'll go with plywood on a frame rather than my original thought of a foamboard base with thin plywood on the sides.
    This won't likely commence until the new year due to other committments, but now a few things are out of the way (boyfriend moving house, getting a new mobility scooter and having to replace all the white goods in the flat) I should hopefully be able to make a start on the baseboards, finally!
    A trip to B&Q in the new year I think.
    Modular is the key:
    Plan is for the building of 2-3 3ftx1-1.5ft boards and a 2ftx1-1.5ft board for the level crossing.
    The decision really is how wide I want the boards. As the layout is effectively not much more than double track with no stations etc on it and a single siding going off to a dock or similar I'm wondering whether 1ft width might be sufficient, but 1.5ft might be better. 2ft might be better for the planned rat run behind the scenery though. What will decide this really is a) the size that will fit into my car (05 plate mondeo estate) and b) the size of the area I could store the boards.
    Dual or single?
    The other decision is whether to have dual levels or not. By that I mean the main boards having space underneath for storage of units, in a traverser format, with corner boards allowing access by raising/lowering height. I'm in two minds about it after talking with Natalie.
    Storage/fiddle yards:
    In terms of fiddle yards I plan to use cassettes of no more than 4 car length, with some being enough for 1 carriage/loco and some for 2 carriage/locos. Avoiding point building is a part of that decision, and easier to store/transport in my opinion as the cassette should be able to be put straight into a suitable storage box without handling the units/stock.
    DCC is a given really I think. When wiring the layout I think I may try to allow for being able to run in DC mode, but that might complicate things too much.
    As for controllers, I had thought after consideration with Natalie that going with an NCE PowerCab unit would be best as Natalie being left handed found others difficult or 'odd' to use in comparison. Unfortuately as things stand at present it is unlikely I shall be able to afford one, so I am thinking either:

    Hornby eLink + laptop, or
    A SPROG unit with JNRI on a laptop.

    I might give both a try at some stage, and will investigate other methods. I know computer/tablet/phone control would be good I think. I am rather tech savvy and unashamedly a geek when it comes to tech/computers, so such control methods appeal to me. I am not short of suitable devices at least, having one or two spare laptops and a tablet laying around as well as a spare desktop computer lurking somewhere in the flat.
    Another option is using a raspberry pi/arduino to control the layout as I already have a raspberry pi to hand (well I will do when i upgrade to a raspberry pi 2 for my media watching on the telly).
    Signals and points:
    Signals on the layout will likely be 3/4 aspect colour lights as that is what exists on the prototype location.
    However I would like to be able to at a later stage change the era to around the 1920s/1930s or WW2 (can't go beyond 1925 due to 3rd rail) as that could give some interesting future stock opportunities (and WW2 interests me historically). The starting era will be 1990-1994 or so (the changeover period of the EPBs and Networkers). With this in mind the buildings will be changeable, and ideally the signals too so that semaphore can be added. How feasible this turns out to be is another matter though! experimentation needed perhaps.
    Control of the points/signals by a lever type panel would be good i think. I'd like some kind of link between the signals and points and train detection to change signals after a train passes. A recent article in Hornby Magazine has made me think of using a MAS-Sequencer by Heathcote Electronics for control of changing the signals, which signals I use I've yet to decide.
    I suspect DCCconcepts point motors/controls will manage the points on the layout by DCC. As there aren't going to be many points (3 visible in total iirc) hopefully that should help keep costs down a little. If needed any points in the non-visible areas can be manual (by switches/panel) to start with perhaps rather than DCC.
    Track and gauge:
    The gauge will be EM, and I've been a member of the EM Gauge Society for just over a year now. (I'm sure the templates that came with the membership pack will be very useful when plotting out the layout on a board!).
    I will likely use C&L Finescale track.
    Final thoughts:
    That concludes a rather lengthy update post really. I don't think there'll be much updates this side of the new year, but I hope to get started by the middle of January, and hopefully make a start on the conversions/kits also.
    Any thoughts and suggestions are welcome
  15. Kelly
    I've been trying to get my head around using the various software available for planning and controlling layouts, namely Templot and JMRI.
    I've mostly figured out Templot now I think. A rough plan has been drawn as below:

    I've been trying to figure out making it a bit more condensed (due to space restrictions) by using a crossing/slip, but haven't quite gotten it as one bit is misaligned. Being full of cold I'm not able to concentrate now to fix it,but I'm getting there at least! I'm not 100% sure which works best at present though. Seeing as I'm going with EM Gauge, I wish to keep the number of points as low as possible as I've yet to attempt to build any, so the double slip/crossing might be more complex than i can manage to build. We'll see though.

    I have been looking into affordable ways to go DCC and have found the possibility of a SPROG 3 + Raspberry Pi + JMRI.
    I already have a spare Raspberry Pi left over from when I upgraded to a Pi 2 for my media centre, and JMRI is free. So only the SPROG 3 (and possibly a wifi dongle and power booster) to buy at around £60, which is about affordable if I scrimp for a couple of weeks. The SPROG will also be useful as a programmer at a later date when I hope to get an NCE PowerCab.
    Figuring out JMRI will take a bit more time I think, but I think I've partly gotten the hang of how bits of it work, but until I have some kind of controller to go with it I can't make much more progress.
    Finally I've made the decision that getting the boards laser cut by Tim Horn feels the best bet as I'm not really that confident of my woodworking skills, and haven't really the space for that sort of working to some extend. The prices Tim's quoted are affordable if I spread a module out over a few months or so at least, so I can get one board started then order another later, knowing they'll interlink. The plan is still to keep the boards plain with all buildings and signals etc removable for safer storage. I'm thinking of getting the boards double depth to allow storage when in use for setting up items for the fiddle yard. The plan is to use cassettes rather than have a dedicated fiddle yard board made up, thus saving cost of some track.
    UPDATE: It seems that a new Rapsberry Pi Model B 3 has been released, featuring same chip and graphics as the Pi 2, but with built in wifi n and bluetooth 4.0. That could well be just the ticket with JMRI and mean no need for a seperate dongle for the wifi. A bargain at £35 too!
    UPDATE 2: there is now a layout thread for this layout here. There is also a thread for what I'm working on atm here.
  16. Kelly
    Over the weekend of 7th/8th October Hornby Magazine held their annual model railway show. Once again it was at the impressive British Motor Museum, near Gaydon. Natalie and myself were invited to help out over the weekend with two DEMU layouts, Rannoch Moor and Bere Banks. Unfortuately as it turned out we weren't really needed…… Continue reading The Great Electric Train Show – 7th/8th October 2017 – British Motor Museum, Gaydon

  17. Kelly
    The weekend of 23rd/24th September 2017, saw Natalie and myself return to Aylesbury for the 2017 Scalefourum show. For those unaware, Scalefourum is the main show of the Scalefour Society. I was eagerly looking forward to it after last years excellent show. Layouts booked: Brettell Road by Jim Smith-Wright. Industrial byway in the West Midlands…… Continue reading Scalefourum 2017

  18. Kelly
    After a bout of  illness and being busy with preparing for and dealing with a new canine arrival to my other halfs house, I've not been to any shows or done much modelling as a result. However, I did manage (with assistance from members of the Scalefour Society and the Templot Club forum) to finalise…… Continue reading Finalising plans and choosing a name.

  19. Kelly
    Whilst updating posts on the P4 layout planning, thoughts turned briefly to the Nuclear Flask Terminal I'd been wanting to build for a while. Thoughts turned to it being made as a self contained extension to the P4 Layout plan, adding between 3 and 5ft extra to the 9ft length of the P4 Layout in…… Continue reading Returning to other ideas briefly.

  20. Kelly
    As with all such things when designing a layout, plans evolve and change. A quick run down on what has occurred: Boards have been given a coat of while emulsion to protect them from damp (living in an old '60s council house it is a bit of a problem in some parts). All boards have…… Continue reading Evolving the plan…

  21. Kelly
    Not done a great deal on the P4 layout plan due to other committments recently. However, the plan has evolved a bit more to better reflect the prototype location and avoid problems with carriage siding being too sharp. Adding an extra 1 ft x 2ft and 1 ft x 3ft boards shouldn't cause a problem…… Continue reading P4 Layout changes, MERG, and shows

  22. Kelly
    The Scalefour Society AGM moves around the country each year, with the North London Group hosting it this year with a small show. DEMU were invited to the show and so Natalie and myself set off to set up the stand on what proved to be a very hot day. The show was fairly quiet…… Continue reading Scalefour Society AGM, Watford 18th June 2017

  23. Kelly
    Once again first weekend of June came around and that means DEMU's premier event Showcase, showcasing the best of Diesel & Electric modelling (sometime termed Modern Image by some, though personally I hate that term). Layouts in attendance this year included: Acton Parkway (4mm OO) Alderford (4mm OO) Cripple Sidings (4mm OO) Deadmans Lane (4mm…… Continue reading DEMU Showcase, Burton-Upon-Trent June 3rd-4th 2017

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