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Status Updates posted by IanLister

  1. Cycled the Meon Valley line today....nice.

  2. Amazing...after all the lovely weather, we set off on holiday and it rains on the first morning..........

    1. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      We aren't related are we? We used to get people asking when/where we were going on holiday and promising loudly to head in the opposite direction

  3. Considering a significant change of direction for the B, TD and S after Glasgow...it's a bit scary!

  4. Driving over to Hawick for a look round today...fabulous weather!

  5. Watching Runrig, building a goods shed floor.......good way to end the week

  6. Watching Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood at Madison Square Gdns........nice

  7. 2 days of no modelling due to family visit. I have an evening to do some tonight, but made the mistake of watching Pink Floyd 'Pulse' while eating dinner, and now I want to watch the rest of it. Show some discipline, man!

  8. Sod's Law...finish work for Christmas on 14th. Lots of time for layout? Family turns up for Christmas the same day....oh well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IanLister


      It's only for 3 days...I'll take them on some 'research' visits.

    3. bcnPete
    4. Jim49


      Visiting families - that's why doors have locks.

  9. An evening of Cream at the Albert Hall while building dockyard walls.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IanLister


      I'm sitting on top of the world, actually

    3. Rods_of_Revolution


      Good good, I was worried you were in a world of pain! Anyway I'm off to sit in a white room and have a swig of strange brew!

    4. IanLister


      Will you be joined by Pressed Rat and Warthog? Or maybe a Politician? I'm going back to my railway room, cos it's TRAINTIME!!!

  10. I've just created 2 metres of seabed....first time for everything I suppose

  11. Driving a school minibus tomorrow with a Met Office red warning issued.....not looking forward to it!!

    1. skipepsi


      Do your best and get there late if needs be

    2. Horsetan


      Opposite lock?

  12. Runrig and kedgeree for dinner...and my football team won!

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