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John YouChoos

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Posts posted by John YouChoos

  1. For those feeling brave, here's some notes on fitting Zimo (MX648) DCC Sound into the new Hattons Andrew Barclay Saddle.  The notes that come with the model suggest that this is almost impossible, but I found that it wasn't too hard at all - just got to pick the right equipment and be neat...


    We've used the MX648 sound decoder and a YouChoos Minnow6, although I reckon we could have got a SugarCube7 in.  The Minnow6 performs well though, and if necessary there may even be space to add a tiny stay-alive (the new Zimo SACC16 kit is a tiny SMD-based PCB replacing the old SPEIKOMP kit, and with Tantalums, could give some options).


    Just a taster with a few photos in this post, but the full install guide is available at this link:


    So here, the model to begin with, little "Katie":


    Opening up reveals the 6pin socket board and a 'bit' of space.  There is also some additional space in the nose:


    MX648 has the heat shrink removed, and unwanted wires removed, as well as wires on the outer row reversed, so the overall length is as short as possible.  Kapton tape wrapped on afterwards.  This then JUST fits sideways in the boiler:


    Wired motor up directly to decoder, and Minnow6 speaker all connected:


    Speaker in the nose, secured with Black Tack:


    Decoder angled sideways behind speaker:


    All done!



    Overall sound is good, and the loco runs pretty well for such a small thing. Would certainly benefit from a bit of stay-alive and with some shoe-horning I think it would be possible to use a cut-down SACC16 kit with perhaps 1 or maybe even 2 Tantalum capacitors, but not trying that today!





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  2. So it finally arrived - my Hattons SECR P Class "Bluebell", and what a beauty!



    Easy to fit standard DCC into with the provided 6pin socket, but I was intrigued to find out what provision had been made for sound. Install notes with the model suggest that you could get a SugarCube or some type into the side tank with a small weight removed, and a sound decoder into the cab with some modifications, but I wasn't happy with the low-profile of speaker that would be required in the side, so opted for a different approach... not particularly difficult, but different...


    Brief notes and some photos posted here, but full install guide on the YouChoos website here:



    Remove the side tank weight, and grind the rest of that side down to fit the MX648 Zimo sound decoder (perfect fit!).


    Remove the model's PCB and hard wire the decoder to motor and pickups.


    Place a full-sized SugarCube9 on the cab floor, and route the speaker wires through a small groove that we made back into the decoder area.


    Overall quite a simple approach, and plenty of space that things are not crushed.


    The model does stall a little more than I'd like, so I'll be adding a SPEIKOMP kit with some Tantalum capacitors for stay-alive on the opposite side to the decoder, but that will have to wait for another day.


    In the meantime, we have a working DCC Sound fitted SECR P - lovely!






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  3. So, mine arrived today, been waiting soooooo long, but it was worth it... the new Dapol N gauge Class 68 is just fabulous.  Great detail, great artwork, super runner, and they've even designed it to make DCC sound fitting relatively simple.


    Ok, so it isn't as simple as the drop-in Farish 40, but it can be done in a few minutes.


    Here we've got a YouChoos/Zimo MX658N18 Next18 decoder, and a 15x11mm speaker with sticky gasket, which I reckon is the simplest approach.  Other SugarCube speakers may also be possible, but they could foul the drive shaft (see my notes in the full install guide).


    So here, just a few photos to show the process.  Full install guide here: http://www.youchoos.co.uk/Index-Resource.php?L1=Guides&Item=NDapol68




    Lift the PCB to get the sticky-backed foam and the loose speaker enclosure out



    15x11mm YouChoos sticky-gasket speaker shown here with the enclosure that comes with the model (note the drive shaft clearance shape)...



    Stick speaker to enclosure, add wires (YouChoos will do this for you prior to shipping if you ask!)...



    Solder wire ends to the SPK pads on the model's PCB, and check all switches are in the correct position for a 4-function DCC decoder...



    All done...




  4. Sounds like a misunderstanding... MX645 can drive from 1W to 3W and between 4ohm and 8ohm speakers, which includes the dual-speaker Dumbos.

    I recall the conversation at Warley and we were talking about MX648, which must use 1W and 8ohm speakers.


    If you split the Zimo range into these 2 groups (forget large scale for a moment), then the rules are:


    MX645, MX644: 1 to 3 W and 4 to 8ohm

    MX648, MX649, MX658: 1W and 8ohm only


    Hope that clears it up!


    • Informative/Useful 1
  5. I threatened to improve this DCC sound 'H' install with stay-alive, and here it is, also with firebox glow and crew.


    Lots of care required while putting it together, but some patience and it isn't too difficult.


    First assemble the SPEIKOMP kit (required to connect a stay-alive to the MX648 decoder), and we've opted for 4x 330uF Tantalum capacitors due to the size, which all fits nicely in the bunker:



    Wires from the SPEIKOMP threaded through small holes along the cab floor, meeting the nano firebox LED's wires behind the bulk-head:





    Need to use quite 'vertical' figures for this to slide into the cab past the wiring - these Scenecraft figures are perfect, weathered up a little:



    Top screwed back on:



    Decoder all wired up with stay-alive and firebox glow connections:



    Perfect... what a great finish, and the Tantalums give just enough backup power to provide super smooth slow-running:



    Full guide updated here:





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  6. A good week for new models arriving, Hornby's pretty lined SECR Wainwright 'H' 0-4-4T has landed.


    Here's a quick suggestion on probably the best choice of kit without too much work to install, but still with good audio performance:

    Zimo MX648 hard-wired and YouChoos SugarCurve9 speaker.


    It does involve removing the DCC socket, grinding down the screw mounts where the socket was, and hard-wiring, but otherwise is actually pretty straight-forward, and not even a particularly tight fit.  However, we were really disappointed that Hornby have once again ignored planning for DCC Sound - you'd really think they'd have learned by now, and are being left behind by the likes of Dapol, Bachmann and DJM in the design stages I'm afraid.


    Outline with some photos below, but you can find the full install guide here:



    Initial look inside:


    Remove the DCC gubbins and grind the screw mounts right down:



    Comes apart pretty well, and plenty of space in the bunker for other things (SPEIKOMP and stay-alive another day will go there):



    MX648, surplus wires removed, and recovered in thinner Kapton tape, secured down and SugarCurve9 speaker losely fitted on top:



    Pretty neat finish:



    It runs reasonably well and sounds great, so you could leave it at that if you keep your track well cleaned, but it is ultimately quite a light model so will benefit from the SPEIKOMP and stay-alive... but that's for another day...






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  7. For those eagerly awaiting the new Dapol OO GWR Diesel Railcar, or those lucky enough to have already received theirs this week, here is some information on what you need to put DCC sound into it.


    Essentially, the kit I've gone with is the 21pin Zimo MX644D sound decoder with the recently updated GWR Railcar sounds (immersiveDrive version), a single Dumbo Zimo LS18X13X13 1W speaker, and a small array of Tantalum capacitors for stay-alive.


    The model is very neatly put together, and a good space for speaker is available right in the centre underneath, but no spare room for a traditional stay-alive capacitor, hence the choice of 3x 330uF 16V Tantalums instead - not huge backup power, but enough to give it a little boost - the model picks up very well anyway, so pickup is not a big problem.


    Here are a few photos of it, but the full install guide can be found here:



    Taking apart...




    The factory gubbins:



    Dumbo LS18X13X13-1W speaker in:



    3 Tantalums in an array:



    All neatly in:



    Back together:



    Out for duty:








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  8. Thought I'd share an example install of the new Dapol O gauge Jinty 3F model, so you have a good idea of what kit works well and is practical.


    There's actually a lot more potential with the model and plenty of space to play with, but for great results and an easy approach, this is the kit I'd suggest:


    MX644D Zimo decoder (YouChoos Jinty 3F sounds of course!)

    Zimo dual-Dumbo LS40X22X09 (2W/4ohm)

    In addition, a decent stay-alive is possible, the easiest being a cheap electrolytic 2200uF capacitor, which will fit in the boiler with the Dumbo speaker, very easily.  My example below has a pair of these capacitors in parallel giving a decent 4400uF backup.


    The install of the above kit is a piece of cake and only takes a few minutes... the longest part is wiring up the speaker and stay-alive!


    I decided to add some of our YouChoos bi-colour lamps too, along with hand painted/weathered crew from ModelU (brilliant figures BTW!), and some proper coal in the bunker.


    Fab model Dapol - well done!


    A few pictures below, but full install guide available here:


    The bits (didn't use the ModelU lamps BTW):



    Dumbo speaker and pair of 2200uF caps:


    speaker and cap in the boiler, secured with Black Tack, wires to the board:


    Wiring for lamps (front is white/red directional on FKey0 and rear lamp is on F12 directional using FA2 and FA3 on the decoder).  FA1 is already in use with the model's built in firebox light:


    Road test:








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  9. Not a new model this time, but one that I hadn't tackled before... the Graham Farish LNER B1, with a Zimo MX648 and 7mm MicroCube speaker in the tender.

    This was a bit easier than I expected, hard-wired of course, with the factory 6pin socket board removed, but only minor removal of plastic to make space for the speaker.

    Decoder sits on top of the motor, and original (unaltered) metal coal weight goes back on top.


    Full install guide here: http://youchoos.co.uk/Index-Resource.php?L1=Guides&Item=N-FarishB1


    Key photos:









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  10. Here's how I tackled the lighting issues with the Dapol 122, using a Zimo MX644D... essentially:

    - standard MX644D

    - bridge wire from a 'spare' output direct to the interior light switch

    - ensure the interior light switch is in the OFF position

    - map a function key to control that output on the decoder


    I've also avoided using the 20mm round speaker enclosure, as I wasn't at all convinced about its' effectiveness, so have gone with the Zimo small Dumbo LS26X20X08-1W.


    Full install guide here: http://youchoos.co.uk/Index-Resource.php?L1=Guides&Item=OO-Dapol122


    Some of the key photos here:









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  11. As threatened... here is an update, same loco, with more aggressive kit... MX645 hard-wired, Zimo Dumbo LS26X20X08 1W speaker and a SuperCap for stay-alive.



    - gut the tender

    - grind the socket screw mounts down

    - cut all the hidden green plastic under the coal load

    - hard-wire the kit


    Full install guide can be found here (example 2): http://youchoos.co.uk/Index-Resource.php?L1=Guides&Item=OO-OxfordDeanGoods


    Some of the key photos:









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  12. Having just completed an install of a Zimo MX649R into the Oxford Rail GWR Dean Goods, I thought it useful to share a problem (and solution) as others will no doubt encounter the same thing...


    The model is great in fact, much better than I expected, so well done Oxford Rail on this one!




    The tender houses an 8pin DCC socket, and a purpose-built plastic mount for a 15x11mm 'cube' style speaker.  However, you don't need an enclosure on the speaker - the mount provides one, and it actually works too!  YouChoos have a 15x11 speaker with a sticky gasket which makes it a doddle - no glue at all - just stick it into the clip and solder the decoder's speaker wires to the contacts.  The same speaker that works a treat on the latest N gauge Farish Castle.




    There isn't enough room for a full sized MX645R sound decoder, but the MX648R or MX649R will plug straight in.




    All very good, except that the motor won't run properly with the 648 or 649 because of the suppressor components.  Interestingly the 645 and also the standard (cheap) MX600R work out-of-the-box (I tried them all as a test).


    The solution is to de-solder the tiny surface-mount capacitor (the little yellow/orange component) from the centre-back of the 8pin DCC socket board, and then everything works perfectly.




    So, just with that minor modification, this is one easy install!  Well done Oxford - great design!


    However... I reckon with a bit of effort and some hacking of the tender interior, I can fit the larger MX645 (hard-wired), small Dumbo speaker and some sort of capacitor... but that's for another day!


    You can find more details of the install here:



    Hope that's useful!

    Cheers, John



    • Informative/Useful 1
  13. Hi John


    Thanks for that. I was trying earlier with the non-sound 634D version. Reading the Zimo manual of mentions CV8 swapping the functions between logic and normal. Would that achieve the same outcome as your change in wiring? Or in other words, make the chip act in the same way as the Loksound



    No, I suspect not.  I think what Dapol have done is for the 68s that are shipped as NOT DCC FITTED, they have done some mods to the circuit board which make the halos unreachable completely.

    I think you'll have to remove the enamel wire regardless, and either re-seat the bodged diodes to work in the right direction, or simply bypass them with a bridge wire like I did.

    I haven't seen a factory DCC FITTED or SOUND FITTED model, but I have a sneaky feeling that the DC ones have been bodge in the same way as the one in my example.


    I'm not convinced that the logic-level outputs has anything to do with it on second inspection.

  14. For those wishing to fit a Zimo sound decoder to their new Dapol OO Class 68 model, here are some pointers that you'll need to be aware of.  Certainly this is what I found doing an install on a ScotRail one today...

    It seems that the wiring of the circuit board has been bodged to work with the logic-level 5th and 6th outputs of the standard LokSound V4, but because the Zimo MX644D provides full-power 5th and 6th outputs (actually it has 8 full-power outputs!), the halo lights of the 68 don't work out-of-the-box.
    Firstly, a thin enamel bodge wire has been added to bridge the GND pin with both halo circuit lines, and this should be removed.  See the thin copper-coloured strand-wire marked below:



    Next, add a wire from the 5th output pin to the resistor for the front halo light (it is one that eventually goes to a fine black wire on the model):



    Next add a wire from the 6th output pin to the halo resistor at the rear end:



    That's it!  I discovered that the diodes on those routes were the wrong way round on my model too, or simply not soldered in properly (might have been a deliberate approach due to the bodge wire that was added), so it would never have worked the halos, but no worries, as the bridge wires we just added bypass the diodes anyway.


    Here is the result, first with the body off:

    1) close-up of the circuit board, all lights off


    2) white headlights on (no halo)


    3) red lights on


    4) white headlight AND halo on now (halo is the top one of the 2 white LEDs)



    Now with body on, you can actually see the halo effect, which is pretty neat - like angel eyes on BMWs!  This approach gives you independent control of the halos and the headlights:

    1) no lights


    2) just the headlights


    3) just the halos


    4) both headlights and halos



    I've updated my YouChoos template project for the Class 68 so that you get full control of these on suitable Function Keys, so all you have to do is the above steps, plug in the decoder and speaker (Dumbo LS55X22X09-2W dual) and off you go.  Really pleased with this sound project too, and with that big speaker, it just burbles perfectly!


    Hope that's useful for Zimo fans.




  15. Err...this.......it says it is a Zimo with a sugar cube speaker.




    If it is a very old out of date project it might need a note saying as such.


    Thanks David, you're quite right... It was Zimo, and it is an old one. That's the trouble with videos I guess - they need constantly updating as projects evolve. That one was the first-cut Zimo Terrier project directly converted from the old CT one. I'll see if I can add a note... Probably got dozens of old videos on YouTube that need similar notes!

    Thanks for pointing it out.

  16. I saw that and listened to the example, but dare I say the online video demo seemed to have a very distorted/high pitched "crackle" to the sound............sort of put me off really. Sorry just my observation.

    Odd, as I haven't done a video of my Zimo Terrier sounds, so don't know what you were watching... Perhaps a very old CT project posted years ago? Link is probably still there, but totally different project... Like all the DCC sound vendors, our projects get rebuilt and updated totally on a regular basis to keep up with advances as the decoders and associated software improves.
  17. Yup, super system the Z21, if you like your gizmos.  Our home N gauge layout uses it, regularly transferring loco/track updates via email between our plethora of iOS and Android devices.  Also have an Fleischmann Profi-Boss attached to the back of the Z21, as sometimes it is just nice to use a 'real' rotary throttle!

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