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Posts posted by Kev_Lewis

  1. Not today, though - the sky's falling in with sleety stuff - someone go and tell the king.... :kingchris:

    6023 King Edward II, naturally  http://www.didcotrailwaycentre.org.uk/locos/6023/6023.html

    Seeing that, I'm looking forward to seeing this beauty in its running mode. Yeahhhhhh..... :locomotive:


    Hi Polly,

    Did you see the photo's in the Preservation Section of the GCR Winter Gala?


    6023 looks very good.


    I think you will find the coaches come from Chris Bolton  Western Wagon Works. I have quite of few of his GWR ones all built to diagram nos. I decided that it would be a long time until I got round to building the coach kits and I wanted something for the locos to pull.



    I have seen the Western Wagon Works stand at a couple of shows. Chris Bolton's work does look very good.


    At the moment I don't have space to store a layout, so building rolling stock is my current occupation until we manage to make some room!

  3. I have phone number of a guy from down Cornwall way who makes Plasticard ones, ready painted in the livery of your choice for 200 sods. I will find the number and pm you when I find it.



    P.S. A friend of mine bought a B Set from him in GWR colours at Telford and they look and run great.


    Hmmm...... That may be a possibility.


    I currently have my eye on the Scorpio Models kit at the moment. Which is brass and I'd have the fun of building it myself. :)

  4. I saw the 45xx at Telford. They are one of my favourite locos but I am going to be very strong and resist all temptation. I keep telling myself that they are to big for my layouts and remind myself that impulse buying in the past as led to tears later. :no:


    It looked good, didn't it? A 45XX would be one heck of an impulse purchase, better leave the credit card at home!

    • Like 2
  5. Hello Kev,   l find the plunger's from Premier Component's (PC 702) a lot more robust than the slater's one's, but that's my just my preference, they work for me, all l do is link the plunger's up then to the motor, much tidier.


    l love big Jim's kit's as well, l have made the 20T brake van, and l am saving up for the Queen Mary boggie brake van, look's fantastic. PS love the various wagon's you are building too,




    Thanks for your kind words George.


    The Premier plungers do look much simpler than the Slaters one. No tabs and tiny nuts to mess around with.

  6. The Jinty is looking very nice there, George.


    I've been admiring the Premier motor/gearboxes for a while and finally bought two at the Bristol show last month. One to replace the fold up useless-ness I have in 5815 and the second for the future build of a 14XX.


    How do the Premier plunger pickups differ from the Slaters ones?

  7. Hi Peter,


    It's so dark because I was reading in the Midland Wagons book by Bob Essery that the Midland grey darkened with age (as opposed to getting lighter as you might expect) my guess is that it absorbed the soot?


    I decided to play with it on the ex Midland open with the view that it will be heavily weathered so I wanted see how it went starting with a dark colour - it's actually GWR Freight grey


     I'm sure I read somewhere that the exactly shade of Midland freight grey was always a bit vague. There being marked variances between repaints.

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